Snow Days

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Guys I'm serious.... HELP ME PLSSSSS!!!! I am going through writers block. I know I've said this a lot (like on every chapter) but ideas would be appreciated. I am seriously at a loss and desperate. Now, a one shot that I legit just came up with.
Sorry if it's short.
Ps. They aren't dating....YET!
Hiccup P.O.V:
Just great.
I am trapped inside the clubhouse with the gang because of some stupid blizzard. I mean it's not that bad, Astrid and Toothless are here too! But then there's Snotlout. Ohohohoho how I would love to punch that smug smirk off of his face. Right now he's going on and on about how he would make a better chief than me, flirting with Astrid, and just being an all around muttonhead.
"..... and Astrid and I would make beautiful children and - ooof!" Astrid punched him in the gut.
"Man down! Man down." Snotlout groaned, rolling on the floor.
I snickered as Astrid came and sat down next to me and Toothless with a smug smile on her face.
I high-fived her and put an arm around her waist. She didn't pull away, like I expected her to. Instead, she put her head on my shoulder. I'm surprised she couldn't hear my heart racing. I've had a crush on her for Thor knows how long, but she could never love a fishbone like me.
Fishlegs yawned, " Guys, I think we should sleep now. I mean, look at the twins!" He said pointing to where the twins were passed out on the floor.
"I agree with Fishface," Snotlout wrapped a blanket around himself and started snoring. Fishlegs fell asleep soon after him at the other side of the clubhouse.
Toothless just put his wing over me and Astrid ( I know a lot people think it would be 'Astrid and I' but in this case, it would in fact be 'me and Astrid'). Since Toothless is an extremely comfortable pillow, we were warmed up immediately. Astrid pecked me on the cheek, "Goodnight Hiccup." Feeling confident, I leaned in and whispered, " You missed." I pressed my lips to hers. I expected her to pull away and slap me, but she kissed back with just as much passion. Out of breath, we broke apart with flushed faces. Astrid smiled, " You have no idea how long I've waited for you to do that."
I smirked and asked her softly, "Astrid, will you be my girlfriend?"
She smacked my chest. "No, I just made out with you for no reason," she said sarcastically. Chuckling, I pulled her in for another kiss. She swung over so that she was sitting in my lap. When we pulled away, I asked, " So is that a yes?"
She giggled, " Yes, you dork!"
I smirked, " But I'm your dork."
"That you are," she leaned her head against my chest and fell asleep. I wrapped my arms around her waist and she snuggled up to me. Soon, I fell asleep knowing that every day, she managed to make me fall more in love with her.

Done! Sorry if that was crappy and didn't make any sense. Hope you guys liked it.
Love you guys.
Keep being awesome and shipping HICCSTRID.

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