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Hey guys! I finally found time to write this one shot. Just don't expect the happiness to last, because if I write the next one shot properly, your heart will literally break.

Fair warning, in the next one shot, Jack, Elsa, Rapunzel, Eugene, and Merida will be there. I can guarantee that there will be no Mericcup, but Merida has feelings for Hiccup.

The ships are Hiccstrid (obviously, but Jack, Elsa, Rapunzel, Eugene, and Merida don't know about it), Jelsa, Eugene/Rapunzel, Rufflout, Heathlegs, Tuffken and Meret (eventually at the end of the one shot).

I don't know about you, but when she messes up my ships, I hate Merida with every fiber in my being. What do you think?

That being said, on with the one shot.

Hiccup P.O.V:

Saying I was nervous would be an understatement. I was about to propose to the love of my life. Fishlegs' voice cut through my thoughts, " Hiccup, calm down! You're pacing so much, it's a wonder you haven't worn a hole through the floor!"

I took a deep breath and looked at the gang, "I'm just worried. What if she says no? What if she's not ready? What if I ruin our relationship? What if-"

Snotlout cut me off, " Look Hiccup. As much as I didn't like seeing you and Astrid get together, I can see how much you guys care for each other. She loves you with all of her heart, and I know you do too."

I stood in shock, along with the rest of the gang. Never did I expect those words to come out of my cousin's mouth. Then, a smile made it's way onto my face, "Thank you," my gaze traveled across the gang's smiling faces, "All of you."

And with that, I ran out of the clubhouse with the gang yelling encouraging things behind me.

I got on Toothless and we flew around the edge, searching for the person I loved most in my life.

I found Astrid in the forest, swing her axe against the trees.

"Astrid!" I called out, hiding the betrothal necklace behind my back.

She turned with a huge grin on her face. "Hiccup!" she called back and I opened my arms for an embrace. My arms slid around her waist and her arms wrapped around my neck. As we pulled apart, I pressed a lingering kiss to her lips. Gods, I love her so much. We broke apart and I smiled. What did I do to deserve her?

"Astrid, I want to show you something," I spoke softly into her ear and she nodded into my chest. I pressed a light kiss to her forehead and led her towards Toothless. I got on behind her and we took off.

Soon, the cove I discovered came into sight. I landed Toothless outside a wall of vines. Using the hand that wasn't entwined with Astrid's, I swept the vines away, revealing a beautiful scene. A beautiful lake shimmered in the middle of a field of wild flowers.

She turned to me and asked, "What did you want to show me?"

Smiling, I pulled out the betrothal necklace and said, " Astrid, I have loved you for as long as I can remember. You have been my best friend since we were 15, and my love for you has never wavered. Our relationship has come so far, and I know I am ready for this. I hope you are as well. I promise to always love you, I promise to care for you till Valhalla, I promise to never leave you, and I promise," I looked into her beautiful blue eyes from which tears were threatening to spill, " to be yours, if you will be mine, forever. Astrid Hofferson, will you be mine, forever and always,"

"YES!!" She yelled and threw herself at me. I slipped the necklace around her neck and captured her lips with mine. The kiss became more passionate, and I wished I could stay like that forever. Eventually, we broke apart to breathe and I smiled with her. I sat down in the grass and pulled her into my lap. She smiled and started playing with my hair. I pressed my head against her chest so I could hear her soothing heartbeat. That was when I knew for sure: nothing and no one would ever stop me from loving her with all I of my heart.

Done! I hope you guys enjoyed this one shot, because I know i lived writing it. the next one shot will probably make you cry. Just a heads up.

Anyways, keep being awesome and keep shipping Hiccstrid.

Love you guys!


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