Part 49

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tonight is the last show on tour and the whole family is coming. unfortunately tate and christina had to go back to school but they'll be back next break. i'm driving to the airport now to pick up jack, jonah and corbyn's families. they should all be landed in twenty minutes. 

i got to the airport with five minutes to spare, first up should be jonah's family who should be out any minute. i quickly parked the car and head inside to where i said i would meet them. i've met esther before but none of the others so i was looking out for her. 

over a crowd of people i saw her standing with a group of people i assumed to jonah's family. i walked over to where they were and esther eventually saw me. she ran up to me and i opened my arms hugging her. 

she introduced me to her family and we all got to know each other in the ten minutes we were waiting for corbyn's family to arrive. i was filling in esther on everything since i last saw her and soon i saw her grin and i felt a tap on my shoulder. 

i turned around to see ashley standing there smiling, i hugged her tight and she hugged back. i looked up and saw jordan and corbyn's mom and dad behind her. ash said hello to jonah's family while i hugged and said hello to jordan and his parents. 

we had a half hour before jack's family was landing so we took their bags to the van and went to get coffee in the airport cafe. after ordering and sitting down at a table we continued to talk about everything and i told them all how much the boys have missed them. 

soon i realised jack's family landed and i excused myself to head over to the pickup zone. i could see sydnie's smile a mile away and i ran straight to her. i jumped on her back and she screamed, i laughed and she realised it was me and spun around. 

kristen laughed as she noticed the constant noise coming from sydnie and i. i got down and she hugged me, i hugged ava, isla, kristen and darrin before helping with the bags and walking over to the others. they all reunited and we got coffees for sydnie, kristen and darrin to go. 

i drove everyone back to the venue hotel with sydnie in the passenger seat beside me. after driving we finally got back to the hotel, with multiple bags in hand, we head up to the rooms where everyone would be staying. 

we assigned rooms for everyone and they put their bags in each one, by then everyone was dying to see the boys so we went across the road to the venue where they were rehearsing. the security guard at the door recognised me and let me in right away, i let him know that these are the boy's families and to let them in at all times. 

i took them all upstairs and we went through the hall getting to the stage. daniel was on stage doing soundcheck with jonah when he noticed his family standing at the doorway. he jumped off stage and ran into his family's arms. corbyn heard the noise and did the same to his family. 

i noticed isla looking around for jack so i quickly ducked backstage to get him. he was sitting on the couch with zach, reece, ryan and anna. 

j- hey baby, you're back. 

a- yes which means?

his facial expression changed from chill to shocked in a matter of seconds, he got up out of the chair running down, kissing me on the cheek when he ran past. i heard isla squeal and ran back out to join the families. 

soon everyone was on the ground by the stage, i was sitting on the side stage with anna, ashley, esther and sydnie when isla and reece ran over to us. isla jumped up onto the side whereas reece hopped up into my lap, i wrapped my arms around her so she wouldn't fall. 

r- dani said we could sing for you

a- of course

i- can we use the microphones?

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