my story ;-;

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ok this is about me and my friend so yeah not Tomtord but hey! dont judge please this moment did indeed hurt me!

  "As i saw her i walked close tears forming in my brown shiny eyes as i approached her and saw tears stream down her beautiful blue eyes she ran up to me and hugged me not wanting to let go she held on like someone was about to stab one of us at any moment but it never happen it was just the feeling of loosing one another.As we pulled away i said bye to her mother brothers and father all of them say bye back and most hugging me and saying "This is not goodbye forever this is just a see you later" her mother spoke sadly and i nodded not wanting to do anything but be with her.My joy...I hugged her one more time and it lasted for 5 minutes until they had to go her mother called out "Its time to go Emilie" she said with pure sadness in her soft voice as i gave Emilie a last hug and kneeled down since she was shorter and spoke sadly "I love you my best friend i wish you the best of luck in everything and i hope i see you soon" she nodded and said i love you to and gave me a quick hug before walking out the door and i could remember that last step she took it hurt me and it broke my heart as i saw her take it and as she vanished into the darky night and drove away with her family in that same truck i would probably never see in my life i sighed and got a drink and sat there drinking it thinking how life would be without her and knowing one thing it sure wouldn't be the same" "As i finished my drink me and my dad walked out the building and walked down the stairs but as we did i saw an orange truck it was hers and i knew it i smiled and thought of all the fights we had and the good moments of us laughing making jokes and sleepovers oh what a time we had we sure did do everything together we sat at lunch together every single day! I smiled and i knew i would be sad but i would be happy knowing Emilie is out there happy living a great and happy life and that truly all i want and knowing that she isn't happy would make me sad and broken.But i knew she was happy so i felt good.As the shiny orange truck vanished into the starry night i thought "It was good to say goodbye to her because if i didn't i would live with knowing i didn't say goodbye to my best friend and never saw her beautiful blue eyes shine in the dark of the night." i told myself slightly smiling and i hugged my dad and he hugged back i cried into his shoulder "I'm still no over it dad she was the most beautiful thing I've ever met and i got to be best friends with her!I don't think i can do it!" i told him choking on sobs.He smiled sadly and said "I know I know its hard but your a strong girl you'll be able to pull threw this!" I sighed and nodded as soon as we pulled apart i climbed onto the motorcycle and scooted so my dad could get on since i was where he was going to sit to drive us home.He sat down giving a final look at the sky and the place we had said bye and smiled a little smile and so did i.As he started the motorcycle and sped up to hill to our house not having much trouble since it wasn't much of a hill just a little road going up seeming like a hill that'll lead you to heaven but it didn't it just lead to many different apartments. As we sped i held on my dad not wanting to fall as the cold breeze hit my face and i smiled thinking Ill miss you Emilie i smiled

as we got of at out stop and walked up the 2 steps and walked to the door and i looked at it and said "so many good memories shall not be forgotten" i opened the door waking inside like it was the first time i was there but it wasn't i smiled at the sight and sighed as i walked to my room playing some games to make me feel better and o soon after falling asleep thinking about her and how amazing she was and i will always miss her and the last words i said were "Night Emilie and sweet dreams I'll miss you more than anything" as i fell into deep slumber. 

Hope u liked it bye my fury kittnes!

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