My Light

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Snow fell lightly on the ground.  Covering every bit of the street. The bells rang, hot chocolate fumes filled the air. Nothing was more like Christmas, than today. 
Thomas smiled softly, he walked around in the cold streets, dragging his boots in the cold and wet snow. He wished for a better Christmas yet again, and he knew without doubt, he would get it. His friends ran behind, throwing snow, yelling and laughing. Soon one was thrown at Thomas, and in fear they ran. Home home home. 

Arriving so early, the tree was lit, the tree was bright, Christmas music filled the flat. Decorations everywhere. The young boy appeared from a doorway, smiling like a clown. He showed what he had done, nothing but impressed was what the three felt. He was smiling from his ears and down. His red cheeks had reminded everybody of a childhood memory. They slumped on the couch, lazy as sloths. The young boy brought hot chocolate, fresh and tasty. Chocolate taste filled their mouths, amusement came from the hot burning  on their tongues. The green one hissed, Thomas let out a chuckle, his Christmas was already going great.

Late afternoon came, filled with song, filled with dance. A beer in hand, Jingle bells played. The rhythm set everybody up for laughter. Drunk or sober, they were having fun. The tree was high, looking down, the laughter made it smile. 

Evening came, movies were put on, and laughter continued. Hugging, and focus were key. They all had a great time, but soon the movies finished, tired they all were. Headed to bed, with a single fall, each fell asleep. Late at night the red one lurked. No noise, nobody awake, he placed more than ten presents under the tree. Christmas had come, yet everybody was in slumber. He smiled, his friends would wake to a great surprise. 

Morning awoke, the tree lit as it was the day before. Presents stacked under the tree as they would be on Christmas day. The red boy made coffee and drank, waiting for the three to find their beloved presents. 

The 25th! The three jumped up and ran together. They saw under the tree, presents stacked for all and began opening. With each came a good surprise, laughter filled the morning air once again. Happiness and cheer spread all around. Like little kids, they danced, they jumped, the laughed, they talked. The red hooded boy smiled, a sad smile. He got presents for each of them, yet not one for him. No need. He loved the happiness that came from the three.

Afternoon came, and the red one thought wrong. He was receiving something special. Thomas handed him a small present wrapped in blue and red. He smiled as he saw red's reaction. Red nodded his head, smiling like a child. He put the ring on his finger, and gave Thomas a kiss. He cried for hours to come. 

Thomas had his wish fulfilled, this was the best Christmas ever, and it will never be forgotten. 

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