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I forgot about this because of school L alright enjoy whatever I had prepared for you before :)

Tom chased Tord around, chuckling as his red boots slammed against the hard concrete. "Come back you little devil!" He kept chuckling, yelling at the shorter demon like male. "Never you no eyed dog!" He smirked at the insult, sprinting faster almost stumbling as his shoe laces untied due to the force against the concrete. Tom's grin tightened as he stared Tord down, his expression getting increasingly darker. 'Oh you're gonna pay for that commie..' His eyes went wide, matching his wide and creepy grin. His sprinting got faster, seeming to match the pace of an animal as he caught up to Tord with little to no effort. Tord chuckled thinking of the insult, only to look to his side and see Tom waving at him with a shit eating grin. "Hello there" His voice sounded deeper than before, his British accent nicely flooding the air around Tord, making his face warm. Tom's sinister grin made Tord shiver as he tried to run faster away from him. 

Tom jumped on Tord, earning a pained yelp from the devil like male. "W-wait Tom!" He yelped, his eyes widening as he only thought of the worst, 'Is he really going to hurt me? I thought we were just playing around' He shook his head, trying to get away. Tom grabbed him by the neck, holding his face down and making him whimper in pain from the force. "No eyed dog huh?" He leaned down near Tord's face and whispered something "Not so cocky now huh?" He let go of Tord, standing up. Tord scrambled up, wiping any tears that might've formed as Tom held him down. "W-what the hell dude?! What's wrong with you!" He shouted, rubbing his neck in pain. Tom stayed silent, looking down at his hand and finally realizing he had hurt Tord. "I- I'm sorry Tord..You just triggered me" He looked back up at him to see the male already backing away, ready to run again. Tom growled at the fact Tord was so scared and rushed to him, he easily knocked him down again and pinned him to the ground.

"Why are you scared!" Tord's eyes widened as he tried getting away again, he shook his head trying to kick off Tom as more tears appeared. "Stop! Why are you so scared?!" Tom growled, slamming Tords wrists into the hard concrete making the other groan out in sudden pain. "You hurt me because of a stupid insult! I can't trust you! You'll kill me!" He tried fighting him again only for Tom to do the same thing again. "Argh! Stop it you're hurting me again!" He cried out but Tom didn't listen, he growled and bit down on Tord's shoulder. Tord screamed out in pain as his eyes widened as far as they could as soon as he saw the blood dripping from his skin and down his white shirt. As he moved his head in hopes of getting away, the skin around Toms teeth ripped more. He screamed out in pain but it only came out as shaky sobs. He tried his best to kick the Brit off but nothing worked. He was trapped and Tom wasn't in the right state of mind. He suddenly gave up and just continued crying as Tom sunk his teeth further into his skin. The next thing he did made Tord fight again... 

'How could Tom do this...? Aren't we friends...?' 

He cried and cried, begging for Tom to let him go, yet nothing, absolutely no threat, no promise, no plea, 

Nothing worked

'How...How could he do this to me? I thought...I thought we were just playing around...'

'Or were we...?'


Tom woke with a cold sweat, his black pitched eyes as wide as his face would allow. 'Did I really..Do that...Is that why...?' He covered his face, shaking at the fact he could do such a think. 'But I don't remember..' Tears streamed down his face, his hair only getting messier as he gripped it, almost pulling it out with the amount of force he used. "Why can't I remember...?" He whispered, repeating this phrase and only getting louder over time. The words echoing his apartment... Soon he started to get much more louder, gripping with more force at his brown and messy hair. "Why the hell can I remember!" He yelled, finally letting go of his head and slamming his fists on the couch, screaming as he kept trying to remember what he'd done. 

He couldn't remember

All the knew was he did something horrible to Tord

Something nobody should ever forgive

But yet Tord forgave him....


Or better yet... What did he forgive him for....?

Sorry for some of the gore/emotional stuff I guess.. (Not really gore) Its Friday the 13th (for me) so I wanted to do something less romantic or 'nice' well anyways I hope you enjoyed I guess, sorry for slow, irregular updates I've just been really busy with school since I'm having irl school and getting much more homework than before because of this whole quarantine and rona shit. Sorry for not posting, again, I hope you're all safe and continue to enjoy stories on wattpad even with all the stuff happening in the world. Make sure to stay safe and healthy, have fun and spend time with your families! Love you all <3 

- Very cool author 

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