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~Ze Narrator POV~

Tord was sitting on the couch scrolling threw social media because he had nothing else to do.Tord was there bored and all he could do was stay inside.Why? You might ask? Well he didn't wanna go outside because he wasn't social and people would always judge him and every time he went outside  people would wisper and somehow he always knew it was about him and....just somehow he knew what all of them were saying..And those words would cloud his mind "Eww look at his eye it looks gross!" "Look at his arm! What did he do?" "Look at his hair its so weird!" "I bet his family left him on the street!" "He doesn't even look normal!" Those thoughts clouded his mind every time he went outside..But now he couldn't take not thinking about it...He thought about it everyday...Soon he locked himself in his room.Edd would knock due to the door being locked and always asked "T-Tord? Are you alright?" Tord responded with a simple "Yes" and Edd would say "A-alright..If your hungry come downstairs" Edd's voice all ways sounded shaky like something was wrong. But Tord would never come out he was just in a corner crying...

~Ze time skip~

"DINNER IS READY!" Edd yelled. "COMING!"Matt yelled as for Tom he just came there when Edd yelled.Soon Matt came down too.The only one that wasn't there Edd sighed and began to speak "Tom" "Mmm?" Tom looked up from his phone "Go get Tord.I'm sick of him skiping dinner and I'm worried" Edd told Tom "Why me?!" Tom asked "Because!Ever since the incident he never listens to me and Matt but he does listen to You" Edd put a finger to Tom's stomach "So go get him your our best chance!" Edd told Tom again "Ughhh!Fine..."Tom gave up easily because it was Edd.Tom stood up and walked upstairs,he knocked on Tord's door "W-w-what do you want?" He heard a faint voice come from the room "Tord its me..Tom" Tom spoke,than silence,just silence.Tom was confused he hesitated but spoke again "Tord...Please open the door?" Tom asked there was silence for some time but the respond came "No...Go away Thomas" Tord sounded tired Tom sighed he did tell Edd he'll do it..He didn't want to make Edd anymore sad than he already was "Tord if you don't open the door i'll kick it down myself" Tom told Tord.But Tord said nothing Tom sighed again "Alright" he got back and pushed himself to the door making it swing open.Tord Backed up into a corner.Because it was dark Tom could hardly see Tord...But he saw him.. "Tord? A-are you alright?" Tom asked  Tord wouldn't speak he just put his face into his legs and cried...Tom sighed and he did feel bad he did have a small crush on Tord but never told a soul.Tom walked up to Tord he sat down on the floor infront of Tord and picked him up he heard a yelp come from Tord.Tom smiled and sat on the bed placing Tord into his lap,and nuzzled his face into his soft hair it smelled like strawberries.Tord cried and cried,Tom just patted Tord's head. "Please don't be sad Tord" Tom told Tord "I hate to see you cry" Tom spoke again Tord nodded and let Tom wipe his tears. Tord cuddled Tom,and Tom smiled and kissed the top of Tord's head. "I love you Tord" Tom said "I love you to Tom" Tord replied Tom was surprised but he smiled and drifted off to sleep.

~Edd's POV~

Gee whats taking Tom so long? Well better go check,

I went upstairs to Tord's room and i see a sleeping Tom and there was Tord in Toms lap cuddling him,they were laying down but Tord was on top of Tom and It looked so cuteee! I fanboyed so hard! I quickly ran downstairs and Wisper yelled to Matt "Matt come upstairs" I told him "Why?" He asked "The ship has sailed!" We both run upstairs giggling at  Tom and Tord.

;3 Bye Fury kittens! Love you all!

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