Chapter 6 - What Now?

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We reached the gate quickly, and we're instructed to head East.

We walked for about 20 minutes.

Then suddenly I saw him, pale skin red eyes and coming at me fast. I dodged his attack, and quickly moved my stake in between his rib cage to his heart. He fell.

I shuffled back. My back hit Dimitri's back as he finished off the stragoi he had been fighting.

Instinct took over and I looked around. We were surrounded, by about ten of them.

"Are you ready comrade.?" I asked.

"Let's go kick butt" he replied.

Just like that, we both jumped into action and made our way to attacking each stragoi.

None of them made an attempt to fight as a group. In a way they seemed to be testing on a one to one combat basis.

We easily made it through the first eight stragoi, but the last two were older, more experience hence harder to kill. The one which I was fighting was tall, slim with dark hair, he must've been good looking as a Moroi. He was agile, I could see this one would be tricky.

He launched toward as I dodged his punch, I flung my stake. He stepped back just in time to avoid my attack.

He then threw a knife at me which I easily dodged. But I hadn't realised until it was to late that, that knife was a decoy, and that he had thrown another knife. The second knife, sunk into my skin just above, my waist line.

He saw his chance and raced forward. I quickly gathered all my strength up and picked up my stake, ignoring the pain that shot through my body.

I blocked his attack and saw my chance. I quickly and effectively thrashed my stake into his heart. As he died he looked directly into my eyes.

" You and him, and your Queen are special. Its written that you might just be the end of this war."

With that he died.

I suddenly felt his words, hit me like a tumble of rocks.

I stepped away, and darkness threatened to fall on me. I hadn't realised that the lower part of my abdomen, where the knife had hit, was bleeding so much.

I fell backwards and kept falling until all I could see was darkness.

Thanks for reading.

Please keep commenting, reading your comments inspires me to keep writting.







Together Forever (A vampire academy fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora