Chapter 21- The Test

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It was time. I was now 6 months pregnant, and I was heading to the training field.

Today was the day, that finally we we're going to find out if my baby girl was the baby from the prophecy. Both Dimitri and I, walked hand in hand. As if he could feel, my nerves he stopped and brought his lips down to mine.

"Everything is going to be fine. We will love our little Alyssa no matter what Roza, we will make this work, we always do" As I looked into his deep brown eyes, I truly believed his words. This was true love.

"I believe you Dimitri, I know everything will be ok. Thanks comrade. Oh crap." I exclaimed as the baby kicked as if she agreed with what both Dimitri and I had said.

"What's wrong Roza, baby?" He said his face full of concern. I simply grabbed his hand, just in time and placed it over my stomach, as our little Alyssa gave another kick. His face lit up immediately, and all I could see was a proud father.

"You're going to be the best father ever. I wouldn't want to do this with anyone but you. I love you my wonderful husband."

"You're going to be a great mum, and you're the only one that made me believe in a family. I love you, Mrs Belikov and you to my beautiful baby girl." He finished as he looked adoringly at my baby bump.

"Oi you two get in here. We need to start this. " Abe's voice rang through to break our little family bubble.

"Its time Roza, we can do this" Dimitri said confidently.

As I walked onto the field, I could see Abe, my mom, Christian, Adrian, Mia and a a couple I hadn't seen before. But they were Moroi.

"So Rose, this is Claude an earth element user and this is Paige an air element user, the test is going to consistent of us, throwing you the elements. You can't move, don't do anything. You Dimitri need to be by her, the baby needs to feel both parents, and draw energy from you. We will start with fire Christian will throw a fire ball at you, don't worry if the baby doesn't react Mia will use water and put the fire out."

With that Abe stood back, Christian got ready and threw a flame towards me. My instincts told me to run, but I stayed put. Just before the flame hit me, I felt a surge of magic, flow through me and through Dimitri, and then the flame disappeared, being downed away by a pool of water.

Then after Christian, Mia threw water at me, but yet again the same happened and a surge of wind blew the water away.

The earth come from Claude, and fire surged from me and the earth was rendered to ashes. Finally come air, and almost a hurricane surrounded me and Dimitri. But we were protected in our little bubble.

Then suddenly it was all over.

"Holy shit my baby is the choosen one, my little Alyssa is the baby from the prophecy." I chocked on the words.

Then suddenly both me and Dimitri, fell to the ground and blackness took a hold of both of us.









So guys what didn't you think.

What could be wrong with Rose and Dimitri, lets hope they are ok. Only one way to find out. Read the next chapter guys.

Let me know your thoughts on this chapter. You know what to do :)






Together Forever (A vampire academy fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora