* Book two of "I should feel like:" please read the first one before this.
This book focuses on the aftermath of the book being release into the public eye.
More importantly, El's mental health.
Josh trying to save her by the only thing he knows...
Josh's ex sat on the steps of the farmhouse as he pulled up. She stood, wiping the dust off her pants, and met him half way. He was stiff as she wrapped her arms around him, his blood rushing through his veins. Josh pulled away, putting his keys in his pocket.
"I'm worried about you, Josh." She spoke bluntly. He saw her as a robot with no emotions.
"And why is that?" He questioned. Kennedy never cared while they were dating, why now?
"Don't play stupid." She warned before continuing. "You are wasting your time with that girl." Kennedy looked at her nails. She couldn't believe that Josh was acting like how he was. They used to love each other.
"That girl? That girl's name is El. And who are you to tell me what I am wasting my time on?" Josh breathed in, he wanted to scream in frustration. He had no idea how to handle what these emotions were. Instead of screaming he ran his fingers through his brown hair.
"Okay. El is never going to love you. She's basically a walking corpse. You're wasting your time on her when she's just going to run off and kill herself. The sooner you accept that, the better you'll feel. She's not worth it. El is nothing but a weight dragging you down, babe. You're wasting your time." Kennedy picked at her nails, each word fueling Josh's anger.
How could she say those words when she knew nothing about her; he thought.
"If she's such a huge waste of 'time', then imagine how much time I wasted with someone as heartless as you. Goodbye, Kennedy." Josh left her there, speechless as he rushed home.
El was anything but waste of time.
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