* Book two of "I should feel like:" please read the first one before this.
This book focuses on the aftermath of the book being release into the public eye.
More importantly, El's mental health.
Josh trying to save her by the only thing he knows...
It was Thursday evening, El came back from her therapists. Her mother told her that they were going to the park. Joanne felt as if it would be good for her. The swings reminded her of Josh. No one was there since today's forecast was an overcast with a slight chill. The park was always a sad place to El. With only two swings and a small jungle gym for kids.
Her boots crunched over the leaves as she stepped closer and closer to them. A girl about her age with blonde hair swung too. She was the kind of girl El wished she was. Although the woman looked unhappy. They had that in common. There was no news reporter in sight. Once she began swinging the girl spoke.
"I know who you are, you're El."
Of course you do, she thought bitterly. Because of Josh everyone does.
"Am I supposed to know you?" Through the other side of the park Joanne watched El, but decided to give her privacy for once. El's statement earned her a scoff from the girl.
"No," she spat out disgusted "But I know Josh. He loves me." She proudly stated, El felt like she wanted to puke. "How about we go on a short walk?" With that the blonde teenager got off the swing, straightened out her clothes and began waking. El followed reluctantly.
Only going about ten feet she stopped and turned to face El, smiling like the devil. Her hands gripped El's arms as her nails that were perfectly manicured dug in.
"You are a waste of oxygen as I'm sure you already know. Don't break Josh anymore, you already took him away from me. El, I'm saying this as your friend. Stay away from him. You're dead weight that he doesn't need or have to put up with. Do yourself a favor for all of us, go home and slit your fucking wrists."
"What's your name?" El questioned intrigued.
"Kennedy, not like you need to-"
"Well Kennedy, seeing as you never said that you love Josh your word means almost nothing to me. But thank you for giving me an option on how I go. I'll be sure to leave a thank you note." Kennedy's face drained of color as she realized she messed up.
"No—that won't be necessary." She quickly stated. The last thing she needed was to be responsible for her pathetic life; Kennedy thought.
"If you insist."
"But seriously El, we all think that you should just go. You won't be missed." With that Kennedy left, El felt her throat close.
Nothing had changed.
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