Understanding Part 2

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When we catch her in the periphery she's on the ground crawling away with her head down and the ax in her hand.

Murmurs are going through the crowd which the Wild growls low at...her jaw still holds the Savage, but her eyes see everyone.

Fingers travel the underside of her belly, to her flanks. They explore every curvature of the spine which puts her in a calming mood. Her viciousness relaxes with his soft, gentle, caring fingers.

She lets go of his throat, to nuzzle her head to his upper thigh, smelling the male entirely. Hands come to her face to pull her eyes to his. He bends himself down, and she does what she wants, licking his neck, his cheek, another nuzzle before flashing him one last side of fang.

She's ready to recede into the safety of skin...Nudging the door open, taking a piece of silk from the trunk gently in teeth that are sharp we head for the bathroom so we can shift ourselves to skin without him looking at my bare flesh.

It's a long shower I take, letting the warm turn cold, I don't move away from it, and the skin on my body hurts from how cold this water can get.

"Bessa, come out of the shower." The Savage's voice is soft, he sounds if he's in the same pain I feel right now.

I can't look at him when I do end up getting out. I just lay in my corner, closing my eyes.




We both lay there without a spoken word, he's not left his spot against the wall, at times I swear I can feel the turmoil within him before other emotions cling to the inside of me through him.

Morning is silent...

There is no noise in the house.

"We are supposed to go our Celebration soon." He's just come out of the shower, the Wild's mark distorts the healing of the shiny skin.

"I have to get ready." He just nods. This time I take my supplies to the bathroom. Oils are rubbed into my skin, they hold the scent of fresh summer fruit of my land. A stain is used to make my lips deep red as if my heat has arrived. Eyes are painted with thick lines of black...it's always the eyes that hold attention, and I want all the focus on me. The gold bangles are next, slipping them on ankles and wrists. I don't cover my face, after all, I am his Breeder it doesn't matter if they see me now. I do cover my head with a sheer veil that holds the color of saffron. The last is the four knives to be placed in specific folds of silk.

The Savage sniffs after me through the house. His hands find the silk before he pulls them away. His body hovers close...so very close that I have to remember to take in air.

When I try to walk past him as he holds the front door open, his hand stops my progress forward. His eyes touch every aspect of my face that's revealed to him.

Engorging pupils shift his color away.

"I should have never put those tattoos on my body." He's apologetic without hesitation of sound.

"You did, and that's what matters to me, not the apology you're trying to give me." I have no apology in my voice.

Getting closer to a building that holds music and voices of many in conversation. The drums are felt through my bare feet. The best thing is that I smell so much food, not the kind that I am used to but it still makes my stomach tighten letting me know how long it has been without it being full.

The door is open by him to allow me to enter first, and every face turns to me.

I give them all a smooth smile that holds no violence. Even towards the female that looks as put together as me. Her hair loose and flowing, the dress dips low showing off her necklace with that green gem that I want to crush in my hands. Posturing to her, showing my marked neck with a natural lift of lip to say I have something that's even more valuable...the Wild's mark...that can't be crushed or destroyed, or taken off...ever.

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