All Is Forgiven

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We have a melody to us.

Stretching to wake up. The Savage's hand cups the roundness of my abdomen. Feeling it's overgrown width.

A current of a shiver passes over flesh when the tips of his fingers travel from sternum to mound, back up and down. Lazily. Without a rush.

The sheets twisting up around my thighs.

"Did you wake up last night to load the fire?" His voice holds the soft sound of sleep still.

"I did, you were tired. I could feel how tired you were."

"It doesn't matter how tired I am, I don't want your feet to get cold." His feet touch mine spreading a warmth into the pads of mine.

Early mornings always hold a strange slowness that neither of us wants to move from.

Fingertips continue their outline of my body.

Between the bones of my ribs. Hipbone to hipbone. Tracing the thin line of hair on my mound. An unconscious spread of my legs.

A light touch that makes me push my ass into the hardness of him.

Closing my eyes again, breathing soft, quiet. A kiss is placed too my shoulder, to the side of my neck, across my jawline. The heat of him presses into the flesh of me.

Slowly, his fingertip feels bare skin that gives way to the line of my feminity. Tracing it down to the opening of my folds. Pressing into the budding hardness of my sex before he takes the pressure off.

A spread of thighs, welcoming him in an eager wetness that is making his skin slick with what I feel.

His other hand is on my breast, lightly tickling the nipple to a hurtful hardness that only lips will make feel better.

Enjoying the feeling of his movement. A quiet moan out when he spreads my folds apart, tracing up and down the natural curve of my body.

Spreading myself more, a moan is breathed out into the base of my neck, followed by a bite. 

A finger slips itself inside me - toes curl, a quick intake of air. 

Not able to close my mouth fully.

Breathing starting to strain the need for sound to come out.

In and out he dips within my smooth wet walls.

Another gasp when his other finger joins the first.

A quivering roll takes over my flesh. A sigh out that's long and a little louder that breaks the quiet ease of the room.

His tongue dancing behind my ear, swiping at the bottom lobe before pulling it into his mouth sucking, nipping at the skin. His fingers spreading me from the inside. Hips grinding on his hand, ass rubbing into his cock.

A grunt from him when I reach behind to feel his length.

The tip of him is coated in his own wetness of desire.

We start to sway slightly.

Breathing grunting, groaning, moaning out the more we pursue our edge.

"I want you in me," breathing out, needing to feel that beautiful stretch. The fullness he brings to my body from the inside out.

When his fingers leave, a whimper comes from the base of my throat mourning the loss of contact. When the tip of him presses into my entrance a hard moan welcomes the intrusion.

The pressure is felt all around as my walls expand to take him inside me fully.

"Bessa," the way he moans my name makes my lips curve upwards.

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