The New US

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Bessa's heartbeat can be heard in my ears.



Without stop.

"What is it between the two of you?" The pupils in Bessa's eyes are carnivorously eating away the color green. Her Nature is terrorizing.

Her wrists reach to my face, "take off these shackles." The Wild of her Nature is looking out. Her voice shuffles the flesh over bones. The Wild within me rejoices to the point he wants to howl his good fortune to the Moon.

Turning from my mate. Turning from Bessa to face, her.

Crumbling, she's hunched over in pain. I would be too, but...I can't break from finding my mate.

Tear's leak and drip down a face that I love. The pain in those eyes is unbearable. I can hear my mate's breathing getting harder, faster.

"Why would you bring me here if you never wanted me?" Bessa's voice shakes, it is unhinging. I can't look at her in the eyes. But I can look at her in the eyes. This needs to be done, no matter how much it hurts. There is no more serenity in those bright eyes, darkness replaces all the light.

"You're my mate, and I will honor the Moon." More tears come out from eyes that I'm not sure can see. She sways in her spot, and I can't touch her to steady what's happening because I can't stop my leaning either.

"Did you even want to find me?"

Staying silent because it would hurt her to know I never wanted to find her causes a harsh gasp to come out of my mate's mouth. The Wild whimpers.

"You should have just left me where I belong, with my Kin. I want to go home. Please take me home." She's begging please to me, to bring her back. There is no giving her back. I couldn't ever give her away no matter how hard my heart is suffering right now.

"This is your home, now. We have to trust in the Moon." Blinking back the coating that's trying to cover my eyes because I don't know how I could ever love Bessa the way I'm in love with, her...

"I do trust the Moon, it's you who I have no trust in." She spits at my feet.

"Why bother to look for me when you never wanted me in the first place?"

Standing straighter - facing Bessa fully.

"I have a duty to my pack." Flat words hit a shaken face.

"What of your duty to your soul?"

Swallowing down acid, "I have honored you."

"No you haven't, look at you two. no honor in what I am seeing." Her voice deteriorates into echoes around the surroundings.

"I have honored you." Speaking louder to drown away her cries...

"She's my brother's mate. I have taken care of her as what custom dictates me to do."

"Will you still take care of her, now?" Bessa stands taller, firmer. Her feet sink into the ground.

"I must provide for her until you produce an heir for the pack." She grips onto her chest, the fabric is crushed in her hands over the top of her heart.

"If I don't provide an heir?" Bessa closes her eyes, and for a moment I'm afraid she's going to fall. She doesn't.

"She has been chosen to carry the next heir if you cannot."

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