He Hurts, I Hurt

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Quiet laughter.

Opening the bedroom door. The Savage is on hands and knees, his nose nudging Elska turning her over from back to front, front to back. She's laughing, so are her brothers as they watch her.

All their laughter stops when I walk out of my bedroom.

"I'm taking a shower." It's hard to look at them. When I try to touch Odin's head, he flinches away from my touch. Ryeson puts his thumb in his mouth. Elska stays silent.

The Savage picks up Elska; there is distrust now in his eyes.

Turning on the water, standing underneath the spray.

A memory washes over my skin. I feel the water on me, but it's on him. She's sitting on the bathroom counter. Watching him wash. His cock is still tender; I can feel the ache of it. "Does it still hurt?" A sly smile on her face. He knows that smile and already he can feel the blood filling up his veins to his shaft. It's been a week since he has been able to touch himself. The finished tattoo is finally healed enough for him to stroke himself again."I love the way it looks," her eyes are on the expanding length of him. Hunger, greed, she licks her lips, swallows. He gets excited when she does this.

He agrees with her, he can't stop looking at his tattooed cock, how much more powerful he feels with all the symbols that have been etched in his canvas of skin. Fertility is what they mean and he is going to fill her with his pups. One after another. She parts her legs, as if on a silent command. A long finger touching herself between her wet folds. I can actually see the sheen on her finger. He watches her, pumping himself. He knows what's going into her mouth to feed her,  after all, it's been more than a week since she's eaten from him. Her mouth waters, her cunt leaks, and his cock grows harder. He thinks she smells of honey when he shuts the water off. They have been feasting on honey from a hive today.

"You'll probably think I'm crazy but I love looking at you when you touch yourself. You're perfect. Everything on you is perfect." He says this as his breathing starts to rise."Do you think so?" Her finger is going through her pussy hair, he thinks it looks downy soft. Full, natural. He wants to run his fingers through it. His cock by now is aching, he's hard, his balls are heavy and he needs to feed her. He always wants her to hold him inside her, constantly. "You are perfect, my mate." Both of them stop. This is significant."But I'm not your true mate." Her eyes are big, lashes blink."To me you are. To me, you're better than a mate." He doesn't lie when he said this to her, he's telling her the truth. That she is better than a mate. The Wild within him bites into his structure but he's good at ignoring his Wild now. He doesn't flinch when there is an outburst within him.

The water covers my tears, my noise is quiet. Squatting down, rocking. Looking at myself, my skin, my hair, even my hair on my sex is nothing compared to what she is able to grow naturally. My line of hair is thin, dark and probably not as soft as her hair is. Even the pout of her sex looks perfect compared to mine.

Cold, the water has turned so cold I can't stand it.

Even the steam has gone from the mirror when stepping out of the shower. Catching a glimpse of myself, I'm not her.

Opening the door, it's just him with Elska on his chest. She's sleeping up at his neck. He won't look at me.

"Where is Odin, and Ryeson?'

"In bed." The Savage's eyes are open. Staring at the ceiling while laying on the couch.

Looking around the house there are no dishes in the sink, the table is clean. Everything is in order except for me. I'm out of order. If I left this world, they would all be better off.

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