The chest of the Savage tightens, constricts and closes in on itself.He can't breathe...neither can I.
Darkness is complete, no sight, just sound.
The storm is pillaging the outside in furious gusts of rain and wind.
Feeling the hem of my Silk, pulling it down, trying to mask my smell.
Impossible, everything is saturated in the thick musk of my privates.
The guilt sinks down low, the realization I just broke a cardinal rule.
Your mate is supposed to own your first orgasm; it's there's not yours.
The dark entombs in a solid wall of black.
When turning to my side the beat of his heart shifts with my motion, to press against my back over Silk.
His hand finds the rise of my hip before is slipes around my waist pulling me flush against his body.
"What are you doing?" A ragged breath out.
"Holding you."
"Why?" Trying to scoot my body away, he won't let any space between our bodies.
"You need me too." Barely heard words above the grotesque noise the storm is making.
"You shouldn't feel shame about giving yourself pleasure, Bessa." His words press into the back of my head.
"I don't feel that way." Trying to tell him the things I don't believe.
The storm weens eventually unlike my tears, they just keep wetting the side of the fur my cheek is pressed against.
"I don't think what you did is wrong, its natural, normal, and healthy. That's what we teach here. You can touch yourself without it being bad." He leans in closer to me.
"From where I'm from if a female or male were to do that to themselves and gets caught you would be punished. The male's hands would be cut off, their teeth pulled out one by one. The females would be used as breeding whores for the males who lost their mates. The males would also be used as breeders if they survived..." A shudder of fear climbs up the lenght of bone in my spine to harbor itself deep in my neck.
The Savage kisses the spot that holds profound confliction - the top of my spine, just underneath my hairline.
"We would never do that here, Bessa." He presses his hard cock into me, sliding it along the silk until he finds a comfortable place to let it rest.
"Obviously, you'd have died a long time ago."
Dark silence is complete after my words are said, his breathing has halted.
He holds me but his cock never softens, it's furiously hard against my Silk. I can feel the ache inside the pit of his lower stomach...
Another kiss is placed between my shoulders before he falls asleep, soft breaths lull me to follow his breathing pattern...
Eyes open, darkness is complete, nothing is seen. The Savage is not behind me, in fact, his space behind me has grown cold, but the scent of him saturates the inside of this tent. Coating it with a thick layer that holds on my skin when putting it to my nose, inhaling.
Getting dressed in pants and a shirt, lifting the tent flap up, the Sun's light startles my eyes closed.
"Good morning." The Savage sits on a log facing the low burning fire.

WerewolfCOMPLETED "Let me see your face." Savage, fierce, unforgiving, the world of the Far North is nothing like the land of Dunes where Bessa was birthed. From the first moment Bessa's feet touch the Far Northern land she has to fight tooth and claw for...