I've Ruined Everything.

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The candle flickers when I walk into the house

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The candle flickers when I walk into the house. 

"Where have you been?" There is a slowness to Bessa's voice.

"Hunting," lifting the kill up before placing it on the counter to light the stove. 

The kindling catches flame, before long there is the sound of wood crackling that takes over the silence. Looking into the drawers, nothing. Everything is gone. Bessa watches hard-eyed from the corner. Nothing is said.

"I need your knife." Holding out my hand. I can't stop looking at her as she approaches. The flesh of my skin tightens, she's overwhelming my body. 

The handle is put in my hand, "did you talk to her?"I can't answer, not right away. I do hear her heart rate increase. She's holding her breath. 

"Yes, I spoke to her." There is a feeling of collapse inward of her chest. She hurts - I feel her hurt. 

"What did you talk about?" Her hands shake. A deep betrayal is felt within the core of her. 

"Bessa," trying to say it softly.

 "Tell me. What did you talk about? Did you apologize to her for finding me?" 

Putting the knife down, turning toward Bessa, "yes, I did."

 She leans herself against the wall. 

"Will you always apologize to her about me?" The language of Bessa crumples. The feeling of my chest caving in makes it hard to speak. Trying to breathe out, long and slow. Eyes closed.

"What did she say?" 

Swallowing, trying to find my voice without sobbing, "she told me that she loved me." 

"You should have never brought me here. You could have pretended that I didn't exist, like the way you're making me feel right now. You and she would have lived a happy life, a full life."

"I couldn't walk away from you." Standing straighter.

"Did you think about it? Did you think about just walking away from me to be with her?' Tears blur her eyes.

"I did." Bessa falls to the floor, she can no longer stand. The Wild within demands I turn him loose to help his mate get through the betrayal of me.

"Why did you have to be so weak and take me then?" 

"You're my mate, and I couldn't walk away. I couldn't just leave without you. There was no way to leave without you." Remembering her scent, those green eyes. The pull, the bond was too great to fight against. There was no fighting and winning against something so potent it harbored you bones hostage. 

"Then why can't you just walk away from her if I'm your mate?" Green eyes beg for a lie. I can't give her lies.

"Because I love her. I just can't walk away from her either, but I have to. It's over between her and me. I told her." The feeling of hands around my neck choke the sound from my throat. There is a shine to my eyes that I rub away. The slap of Bessa's open hand on wood clears my vision. 

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