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Red faces come back inside.

"I'm starving," Odin says as he looks at the table that hasn't been set by him yet.

"Your father will be home soon."

"Then I'm going back outside." Odin's out the door.

"Outside." Ryeson follows his brother's words, a parrot who talks after his brother.

Looking at Orva who is nursing her new pup. Eta is holding Elska who has no idea what is going on. All she's doing is sniffing the different females. Her nose has not stopped since they came into the house.

"We've heard the rumors." Orva clears her throat.

"What rumors?" Standing to pick up Eta's male who wants to crawl toward the wood stove.

"You have had an Abomination." Eta kisses Elska's cheek, laughing.

"You have?"

"It's spread throughout. There will be a confrontation with the first gathering at the Longhouse." Orva takes her male from her breast, switching sides.

"Will there?" Saying it with sharpening teeth.

"Yes, I heard my sister-in-law talking to others." Orva has no kinship to her family. It's her friends that are her kin.

"What will they do?"

"They will want to force the Alpha to give the Abomination to Nature," Eta says concerned like the Savage would ever give up Elska to Nature.

Throwing my head back, laughing. Laughing.

Tears start to come down my face. Elska starts to laugh. We all start to laugh.

"He loves Elska more than me. They have no understanding, but they will. Let them come, let them demand and let them feel my teeth and the teeth of the Alpha on their skin." The Wild within voices out her contempt for anything that will threaten what is hers.

"We will stand with you, Luna. We will stand for Elska." Eta hugs the female to her breast as if it was her own pup.

My weapons are sharpened teeth and claw.

Looking across the room, my knives are back with me. Silver made for my hand from a father who loved his daughter.

A gust of air hurtles inside as the Savage has wiggling pups in each arm. "I found starving whining pups outside." He sets them down gently as they all take their furs off. The snow is melting but it's still cold outside.

Luki is behind them, when Odin tries to take his fur off, he has to fight his Uncle who doesn't make it easy for him. He taps his hands, trips his feet. Luki slams his body down on the floor with a gentle ease.

"Stop," Odin yells, Luki gets down on all fours, "make me, Odinson." A flash of fang and Odin leaps his War upon his Uncle who wrestles him severely. If it was a real fight Odin would be torn apart, but this is just their play and only a small amount of blood spills from Odin.

"We have news," the Savage shrugs off his fur.

"What news." Elska is taken from Eta so the Savage can have his fill of his daughter.

"Finian and his brothers have been attacked by a bear." Luki laughs out loud.

"The three of them were unable to defend themselves against a bear." The Savage isn't surprised by the what he said. 

"They couldn't fight a bear?" Orva asks with a look of disbelief on her face.

"No, they are weak males. Greyson might not make it, Finian is injured badly. The Luna has lost her pup and Victoria is not expected to make it." There is not an ounce of concern in the voice of the Savage. 

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