Bessa From Across The Sea ( 2 of 2)

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The elder female looks me up and down, a stick in her hand. I give her a maul of eyes back, and I don't suppose she takes too kindly at how I'm regarding her. A strike of my upper thigh with her wooden stick comes quick, "I'm not to be looked at like that."

The Nature of the Savage tones itself out in a growl that consumes the currents of air. The three have their hair pulled back in braids, the side of their heads shaved tight to their skull. I can see small beads in their blond hair. They hold the color of his eyes...exact color. Did she have these in her hair as well? I can't remember because all I could focus on was the gem laying against her throat.

Fine hairs on the back of my neck raise in the atmosphere that holds taste. Malice and hatred press itself against the roof of my mouth, while silver slips back into the folds of silk, I want blood on my hands.

Their breathing compels me to sping upon the closest one. My Nature acts without thought.

A hit from behind sends me flying down on the floor. Looking over my shoulder is the older female from yesterday. Her eyes are bloodshot, and she looks to have had no sleep.

"I demand Retribution for the loss of my female." Her finger points at me just like her daughter did. It's quick; the finger is cut off by a knife that slices the bone clean in half.

No one points at me, I'm setting my standards.

The digit lays on the floor. While her face distorts in a murderous rage. I could fight her with fists, but she looks so wounded that it's a kindness I know I said I don't have anymore makes its way out. The knife slips into the hollow of her throat so hard that it drops her to her knees. This has put her out of her misery, quickly, humanely.

"You killed my friend." The Luna's voice is quiet, but everyone crouches to her sound.

"You couldn't even kill her like a Warrior; you had to cheat and use silver?" A disgust saturates the vibration of her body.

"Give me your knives." The Savage's mother's footfalls tremble my spine. She steps slowly with each one, making me anticipate her arrival.

I don't move to give up my weapons.

"Give them to me." Her hand outstretches. I bristle.

"There is a reason I am called Luna." A confident volume of her hardened tone threatens the Nature within me to bow herself down. Eyes impale mine in a posturing show of fierceness.

"There is a reason why they will call me Luna." Holding the Luna's eyes without any fractures in my vision.

"Very true, but for now I am your Luna. Give me those knives, now." All the females turn as One to face me, head on. Even the female with the two black braids. Their bodies ready for the spring if given the orders too. I can see their fine muscles trembling.

"I'll hold them for her." The Savage stands shoulder to shoulder with me facing his mother and the females of his pack.

"I need the knives Bessa." There is a severe direction of his voice.

"I want those beads." My finger points to the three that wear his color in their hair.

"You would have to fight them for those beads." There is a shuffling that leaves the three females standing side by side away from the leading group of females now.

"I'll give you the knives if I can have the three now." A snap of teeth their way.

"Bessa, from across the sea, those females are honoring the pack. They honor the Old Ways; they honor my male, they honor the Moon. If you cannot be what this pack needs then they are more than capable of-" I don't let her finish the rest of her speech. My knives sink into the necks of the three, so quickly you would think that it was warm butter that they cut into.

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