Hard Love

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Night after night I get to see love bloom, watching how their love grew, brighter with each passing day. I get to feel the way the Savage's chest aches when night falls, having to be away from his light. I'm not sure what's worse, the day or night. At least the night I can be alone with them, during the day I have to feed, dress, play with my pups as if her giggles aren't loitering constantly within the depths of my ears.

A trembling hand holds a fork, he watches the way I can hardly chew my food, the hardest part is the swallow.

"Is there no more lunch left?" The Savage is looking into the empty pot.

"We ate it all. You can make your own food. I'm taking Elska with me to visit Orva and Eta. Before the gathering. The males are in the backyard, playing. I'll meet you there." Reaching for the handle to the front door.

"You can't run away whenever I get home, Bessa. Can we talk, please?" I can hear his beg.

"I don't feel like talking to you today." Taking a backpack, closing the door behind me. Walking down the same path that he always took to her house. He would try to walk slow, not to seem in such a rush to get to her but he failed to do that. If I would have looked when I first arrived here. I would have seen the path they wore into the ground by going back and forth to each other's homes, constantly. Nothing grew on that path, just hard dirt compacted by heavy quick feet.

Her house has trees sprouting from the ashes. A soft wind blows the trees rustling the leaves above us.

They are in the front yard, laying on a blanket when I approach Eta's house.

"Elska," Orva reaches her hands out, taking the female from me. Her pup is on the blankets sleeping. Eta is finishing the braids in Orva's hair. Her pup is also relaxing.

Laying the backpack down, blades slide against silver edges.

"What's in the pack?" Eta smiles with teeth showing.

"If they think they will bring their War to me, then I will bring a true War to them." Flashing a smile that wants to bite into throats. I will be the throat taker of the Far North. 

Pulling my dress off, taking a shirt and pants out that are made to stick to my skin.

The material is with a stretch.

Knives placed in their holders. The arsenal of silver gives me a confidence that has my shoulders back, and a grin on my face.

Both females stretch themselves.

"I hate these females here. Let's show them why it's important not to talk behind their Luna's back. Treason demands Retribution." Eta sounds the same as a Far North female as she picks up her pup trying not to wake him.

"The females will be there first, they will confront you from all side, circle you."

"How do you know this?"

"I was in a tree listening to them. In the East, we used to do this for Victoria. We would follow around her father's beta's and listen." Eta's voice is lower as if someone could be listening to us right now.

The wind is our only company.

"These are beautiful." Orva turns a knife over in her hand. The blade catches the sun at times, flashing out bright.

"Thank you for saving Victoria." Eta grabs my wrist, kissing my palm.

"I can't wait to meet your Victoria one day and see her for myself."

"Are we ready?"

"We are." My weapons smiles are sharper than the blades of silver as they walk on my Left and Right into the gathering of bristling females who all are looking at Elska with rage in their eyes.

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