Starvation Of Plenty 2/2

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Thank you @Pinkforest1 for the awesome Bessa Trailer.....LOVE IT.....

This is the first time we don't walk side by side to training.

Instead, he lets me lead.

"When you stand against them, rush them. Nothing else. Just rush them, use your left elbow to smash one of them in their jaw. They won't expect it, you're right-handed. But your target is the leader. Always her, Bessa. Make her hurt, make her remember that every time she opens her eyes in the morning, she has to fight you in the afternoon." He's now beside me, opening the door so I can go in first.

The Savage's palm rests on my upper spine, "hobble her," fierce words but his breath tickles the back of my neck. Putting the dish on the table, he goes to his usual spot. His mother is there, a bruise on her face but nothing more stands out that she has just fought someone.

Orva comes in with that smile of teeth that I've come to know as just show. She's a female who has a kindness within her marrow.

When we stand together with her on my left, her eyes fixate on the youngest teacher, who I found out is her mate's sister. My father always taught me to keep my weapons close to me. I might not hold knives, but the weapon beside me is a living breathing machine of destruction.

Always keep your weapons close...

As soon as the teachers get off their chair, I spring, rushing them with violence that is honing with our practice session. My elbow misses the jaw of the one teacher, but my other elbow doesn't miss the big toe of the leader. Falling down to crush her feet. She makes no noise louder than a minor grunt of pain. But to me, it's loud and clear that she is hurting. Taking her other toe, I slam the bone with the palm of my hand, and she sways with the break of unbalance.

Violence compliments violence in a rush of unharnessed fury.

I'm handled well, but more importantly, I handle the teacher as much as I can before being rolled onto my back and a foot stomps on the throat of life ending our play sessions.

Stridor breaths sound musically high trying to swish out of a swollen, damaged throat.

Orva and I lay on the ground, and we laugh as if there is still air in our lungs. Bleeding noses, cut lips and we can't stop laughing.

I'm struggling, but at least I'm not failing.

Orva gets her ass kicked daily, but she doesn't complain, she doesn't shy away from the fight. She continues day after day just like all of us in the group of newcomers.

She holds no fear with her smile of teeth.

"Why do you have no fear of this?" Turning towards her bruised face.

"I fought Victoria if you fought Victoria nothing else would hold your fear except him." Her chin points the Savage's way.

"What is she like, this female alpha, Victoria?" I've been taught that a female Alpha is a living terror. She will bring destruction to the entire world if she is to live. All the Moon asks of us is to kill all female Alphas.

Nothing else, but that one rule.

Kill all Female Alphas...

"She's something to be loved, fear. She saved my life in my old pack. Without her, I'm not sure what would have happened to me. She's going to rule one day, I know it. My only regret is not being there when she takes the East from her father. I should be standing with her because it's the right thing to do." Her eyes drip salt water on the floor, she doesn't look more hurt than normal but it's as if she's in true pain at the moment.

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