Chapter 31

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[Charlotte's POV]

I stared at Daryl in shock as he went down, falling to the floor. I turned to Eugene instantly yanking his gun from his fingers and sliding it across the floor, I jogged to Daryl and fell at my knees beside him.

'Daryl!' I called his name once. 'Daryl! Are you alright?! Speak to me, Daryl.'

He groaned. 'Get off. You're. On. My. Hand.'

I jumped up, screaming. 'Did the bullet hit you?'

Daryl looked at me, emotionlessly.

I turned to Eugene who just glared at Daryl.

'I never miss twice.' He turned away and with that ran out the back door and out.

I yanked Daryl to his feet as I looked at the bullet hole in the wall, just next to where Eugene had fired.

'Are you alright?' I asked.

He nodded, rolling his eyes. 'Sometimes, I hate that guy.'

'You're all selfish, you know that.' A male suddenly screamed.

I turned around and Ben stood there, wiping endless tears falling from his eyes.

'Over 150 people just died, one of them being from your group, yet you fire bullets at each other like its the wild west, show some bloody respect.' He snapped. 'Honestly, we're trying to kill the walkers as it is, not each other, I'd still be disgusted if an entire group didn't just get eradicted.'

Daryl nodded and stood to his feet. 'I'm sorry... I will begin preperations for the... funeral.'

He then pulled away from me and walked out as if it was that simple.

I sighed and looked to the floor, tears threatened to fall but they never did.

'I can't believe she's actually gone.' I whispered.

'I can.' He whispered. 'In the end, Charlotte, I know Payton I know she would've taken all this to heart because she's to sensitive, you and I both know in the end she would've taken the easy way out. Whether that was today if she had returned with us, next week or however long this fury continues.'

'It never ends...' I whispered. 'Never. The zombies keep coming, their are what? 7 billion people on this planet. Maybe 6.5 after all the deaths that happen over the world to attempt to rid the disease, about 4 million of them are walkers another 1 millions are dead from ridding themselves from the menace, the other 0.5 million, well we can only hope some other than us have found sancutary. My point is 4 million walkers stand between us and peace. I don't see that happening do you.'

'We could always sink America... I've always wanted to do that...' Ben chuckled. 'That could get rid of at least 1 million of 'em.'

'Always so british.' I smiled.

'Always so russian.'

'Ma' name is Alezanda!' I said in my Russian accent causing Ben to chuckle softly into his hair.

'Come on, I'm going to go help Daryl with the funerals, it'll be done in about 10 minutes if we hurry.'

Ben nodded and we stepped out into the garden, pulling loads of logs out for seating and a larger piece at the front for the monument.

'Wait!' I said and sprinted back into the house, all the way up to the attic where I grabbed Paytons most prized possession.

Her writing books.

She had 6 which she has been writing in since we were 13, filling them with ideas for her stories as she wanted to be a writer.

While I, I always wanted to be a history teacher, sure the kids would be a menace but I could handle it, actually I can handle considering I was able to become my dream job after all the hard work I put in.

Me Vs Zombies [Book 1 & 2]Where stories live. Discover now