[Book 2] Chapter 36 Part 2

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I'm back at school now guys :) So much for finishing this story in the summer holidays, I'm literally terrible, but this story has... One? Two chapters after this? I'm not sure, depends how crazy I get.

I'll give a long speech at the end of the story probably (poor you guys) but I just want to say thank you now because I know you guys have been patient and I haven't been nagged and bullied like some authors have told me they get when they haven't updated in like a week or two so I'm grateful.

You guys are amazing, I dedicate this entire story to each and everyone of you awesome lot...

Enjoy x

Play the song at the side at some point during the chapter, I highly doubt it's in time with the story but it's an amazing song and the characters dance along with it ;)

[Payton's POV]

Daryl and I sat in the corner of the church in silence, his hand was draped over my shoulder and I was holding it so tightly I thought it would fall off.

'We're going to die.' I whispered into his hand over and over again, it wasn't the first time I'd said and I doubt it was the last, Daryl just grew tired of telling me it was all going to be ok, I think he was slowly beginning to doubt it himself.

'I'll never see my family again.' I cried. 'Charlotte, Eugene, Ben, Demi, Luke... None of them!'

'Hush, Payton.' Daryl pressed my head down onto his arm. 'Hush, now.'

'I won't be able to see Luke heal, will he even heal? I don't know. Does he have much time left? Do any of them have much time left?'

'I don't know Payton.' Daryl whispered. 'They might die tomorrow, they might die in a year from now, the same goes for us so stop worrying.'

'No Daryl... We won't get out of here because the world is cruel... When you asked me to marry you I begged Jesus that he would let me live long enough to be a married woman because that was my dream as a child, to marry a man worthy and to be happy but so far, that guy ain't doing to much of a bang up job at letting me live. Maybe this is all a sick joke to him- Maybe this is like Call of Duty to him and every time he dies and re spawns a human becomes a walker, or a survivor puts a stake throw a Zombies brain-'

'Payton! Stop it.' Daryl suddenly snapped, tugging me away from him hard, he grabbed my shoulders and twisted until I was looking right at him. 'Stop it right now! We are not going to die! So stop whining and blaming Jesus and God because you know what?! THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! They haven't stepped in and messed things up for us, in fact, we still don't know if they even exist so do me a favour and just imagine this. There is no God. There in no heaven and hell, there is no afterlife or before life. There is just me and you so if you aren't the you to me then you should just step out in front of those walkers and let them eat you because I'm not going to take some suicidal loser of faith out to have my back when she can't even watch her front.'

I slapped his hands away and jumped up to my feet. I jogged away to the front of the church by the priests table and sat behind it, crossing my arms over it and shoving my head in the gaps between them.

A few minutes later, I heard Daryl get up from the floor and walk towards me, when he reached me in gently took my hand and pulled me up to his feet, I tried to fall back down again but he wrapped his arms around my waist to keep me up right.

'You won't die before becoming a married woman, Payton, I can promise you that.'

'How can you?' I wobbled.

'Because... I'll marry you now, happily... If you'll have me.'

I froze, straightening my legs till I stood on my own two feet and I stared at him. 'Really? You'd do that?'

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