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SPENCER COULD FEEL his eyes burning

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SPENCER COULD FEEL his eyes burning.

He quickly tired to rub away the sleep before Garcia could notice and send him home. It was late and his body was starting to catch up to him.

The sound of Garcia's heeling clicking in the hallway caused him to straighten up. She walked in, foot in front of the other, with two large cups of coffee in hand.

"Okay," She said as she handed him a mug and sat down in her chair. "Now, what's her name?"

"Scout Wiley."

Garcia stopped.

"Scout? I know her, kind of."

Spencer stood intrigued, "How?"

"I met her in the lunchroom the other day, why are you so interested in her all of a sudden?"

"I'm not."

"I'm not the profiler here, sweetheart. But it seems to me like you are. Why would you have asked me to do a background check on her?" She asked.

Spencer shook his head, "Okay look, she just keeps popping up all of a sudden and I don't know why. I want to be sure especially since..."

He didn't want to finish his sentence.

"Spencer," Garcia cooed.

"Honey, you don't have to worry about that. Anyone who works here has a background check done, they wouldn't be allowed in the building if they hadn't.

Spencer closed his mouth, "I know. It's just- Well, I just have a feeling and I know I should trust it. She's- different, I guess."

Garcia's eyes softened.

"Whatever you want, Reid."

She sat in her chair and immediately got to work. The tapping of the keyboard against her long and colorful nails gave him comfort. At least he was trusting his gut.

The computer screen popped up with several open tabs quickly.

"There's not much to tell about her, honestly. Scout Wiley, born Jean Louise Wiley actually. She changed her legal name in her 18th birthday. Uh, she lives with her mom on the outer part of town, suburbs really. Miss Wiley started working here in the mailroom 5 Year's ago when her father died of cancer, lungs most specifically. It happened so suddenly that they didn't even know he had it when he died."

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