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SPENCER WATCHED HOW Scout stared at the blank wall across his bedroom

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SPENCER WATCHED HOW Scout stared at the blank wall across his bedroom.

It was rare to see the boisterous girl deep in thought and silent. Usually she was bouncing off the wall, teasing him, and sometimes even trying to clean his apartment tho the best of her ability.

But her dark brown eyes barely even moved, only the occasional blink and the steady rise and fall of her chest, signaling that she was, in fact, still alive. Spencer himself hated when people tried to coddled him and pretend to be okay in their standards. He liked these quiet moments.

But seeing Scout in this state, it felt extremely wrong.

"JJ mentioned that Will has been wanting to go out on a date sometime soon. She brought up the idea of maybe you and I could look after Henry for them. What do you think?"

Scout's eyes didn't flicker, "Hmm."

"We could order some pizza, maybe even get some cheese bread? You could even bring some movies you think he might like? What about that new car racing game you just got last month?"

"Spence," She rose her brow and glanced at him, "I'm not exposing a little boy to Grand Theft Auto, it's not a kid's game."

His face fell, "Oh, I - didn't know that."

Scout gave him a sympathetic smile and readjusted herself, leaning against his body and placing her head on his shoulder. Sighing, Spencer placed a kiss on her forehead, pushing her hair back and away from her face.

"Talk to me, what's wrong? What's racing through that hard head of yours?"

She let out a large exhale and sat up, tying her hair up. He watched as she got out of bed, walked directly to the bathroom, splashed her face with water, and came back out. Leaning against the door frame, Scout bit the bottom of her lip.

She wasn't one to open up on how she was feeling. It was a rather odd thing to do and opposite of everything Xander had ever taught her. But sitting in front of her, she could tell that Spencer was trying his hardest to get through to her.

"It's been a week, Spencer."

"Since the school shooting?"

She nodded, "How the hell am I supposed to move on after that? I mean, I was there. I saw the look in his eyes. He wanted to die and if I hadn't looked away a that one moment, then maybe he might still be alive."

"You can't change the past, Scout. Dwelling on what you could have done won't bring him back. "

Heading straight to her bag on the floor, she dug through the extra clothes she had brought with her and found the manila folder that she had stashed at the bottom. She flipped in open and threw it on the bed in front of Spencer.

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