⠀⠀⠀ forty four

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F O U R T Y  F O U R

SCOUT IMPATIENTLY KICKED the small pebble as she waited by the curb of her house

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SCOUT IMPATIENTLY KICKED the small pebble as she waited by the curb of her house.

She huffed a strand of hair away from her face, tugging at her go bag that rested on her shoulders. Digging her phone from her pocket, another sigh escaped her lips.

"He's late."

The all too familiar squeals of her mother's wheelchair didn't cause her to move or look away from the street for one second. She knew Harper was watching from the window the entire time and it was only a matter of time before she wheeled herself out of the house and began to ask questions.

"Are you going with your boyfriend?"

Scout looked at her unblinkingly. "No. And even if I was, would that a problem?"

"No, but I would like to meet him sometime before I die."

Scout rolled her eyes again. "Oh, Mom. Stop being melodramatic."

She stuffed her cell phone back into her pocket, but then her head whipped back up to look at her mother. "You are being melodramatic, aren't you? I mean – you're not sick, are you?"

"No, I'm not sick. I just – never mind." She shook her head. "I'll meet him when you want me to meet him."

Scout looked at her for a long time. "I'm – I'm sorry, Mom. I just – want you both to be safe."

"I know." Harper nodded solemnly.

Scout looked at her for a long time. "Look. When this – craziness with Xander is all over – this trying to finish this mission – I'll introduce you."

"Fair enough." She came over and kissed her the top of her daughters hand. "I can wait."

Scout smiled sadly as she watched her mother wheel herself back into the house, probably to finish whatever soap opera she was obsessing over.

Why did everything have to be so difficult? Why couldn't she just tell Spencer what had happened? He probably would promise to take care of her – she could imagine him saying those very words! But if the moment came where he did want to take care of the baby, or even ask her to marry him; she knew she wouldn't be able to. Why wouldn't she let him? All her problems with Xander, and all her money problems, would go away. She wouldn't be beholden to Xander anymore!

But you'd be dependent on Spencer, her irritating inner voice told her.

You'd be using him.

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