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SPENCER SMILED AS he woke up with Scout in his arms, slowing stirring her awake as well

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SPENCER SMILED AS he woke up with Scout in his arms, slowing stirring her awake as well.

Today was a different day compared to the couple's usual routine. Most weekdays, the pair would wake up early and get ready for work together but today wasn't the case. Instead, it was Spencer who had to go into the office today and Scout stayed behind in his apartment.

He had a mountain of paperwork that he had put off till the last minute while Scout, who was smarter than him in this situation, worked on it during their flight from their last case.

And she, for once, was grateful that her presence wasn't needed. The event with Morgan was still tearing at her conscience and having to face the BAU wasn't something she needed.

Instead of falling asleep once she got home from Xander's most recent mission, Scout snuck out and darted to Spencer's apartment, claiming that she was so worked up from the news of Morgan being attacked that she had to see her boyfriend. The doctor didn't even question it as he too was also distraught.

Too distraught to even notice the makeup she had caked on her neck, perfectly covering her bruises. It was leftovers from an old mission she had done back in her teenage years, one where she had to be in disguise, and was made from high grade materials.

As they both lazily woke up, they laid entwined, gazing out the window at the sunshine that casted shadows of the bustling downtown, in content.

Spencer kissed her temple and sighed, although he said nothing else.

And she knew that the time had come. She promised herself last night that she would tell him the truth. No more backing out.

"Spence." Scout began hesitantly.

Spencer, his eyelids drooping, gave a questioning grunt.

"I'm late." She said quietly.

He groaned more loudly, and sat up, releasing her. "You're right. I better get going."

He swung his legs to the floor, and rose.

She looked after him in bewilderment and shock. He was leaving?!


He scratched his leg as he searched for his underwear. "You said it was late. You're right. You have to get some sleep since we stayed up so late and I've got work, so I better go."

She gave a sigh that was half aggravated and half relieved. Scout followed him and stopped him from sliding on the bottom half of his pants with a hand on his arm.

"Spencer, I said that I'm late."

He blinked at her for a few seconds, as if he had not heard her. "You're – what?"

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