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SOMETHING SPENCER RARELY was familiar with was the pestering and gnawing feeling of being stumped

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SOMETHING SPENCER RARELY was familiar with was the pestering and gnawing feeling of being stumped.

But this case left many gaps between his thoughts. And there was no way to fill it with whatever explanation he could think of. At least, not anything that made logical sense.

And Spencer Reid only found interest in what was logical.

"So you're saying there's no way to tell how long it's been?" Blake said, looking through her files once more.

The coroner shook his head, "Skin itself dries very quickly but once it's been taken off, we have no way to really tell."

"And what about gender?"

"Nothing, and there's no way to tell. Whoever did this was careful to get rid of any possible tattoos but they weren't very skilled, I can tell you that."

"Why's that?" Reid snapped from his trance, he needed information. His brain craved any detail that it could digest and process.

"Here," The coroner pointed to the edges of the skin. "They start off slow and meticulously but by the end, the cuts become jagged and quick. Any person with experience would know that you have to be slow to get the results you want."

"So they have no formal training?"

"Not at all."

Blake inquired, "But how could they have known what they do know? It must take some knowledge to do this."

"It's easy enough to find a video online. Skinning isn't an uncommon search word if you're in Biology or trying to pass 9th grade science."

But this new information didn't do enough for Spencer. He wanted to know more.

And his skin was starting to crawl because of it.

When they got back to the station, everyone was in a buzz. Lines were ringing and every office looked as if they're heads were about to explode.

He set his bag down on the table, startling Scout who was reading a file with deep concentration. Hotch has just gotten off the phone.

"What happened?" Spencer asked.

"They found the bodies."

'What was left of them, at least.' Scout thought as she went back to the board.

A civilian had called about a terrible scent in the woods after going hiking and what was though to be a bundle of dead animals were instead the skinless bodies. Morgan was sent to investigate along with Rossi.

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