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SCOUT SIGHED AS she threw her bag down and let herself fall into the blacked out SUV's seat

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SCOUT SIGHED AS she threw her bag down and let herself fall into the blacked out SUV's seat.

"Another day, another psychopath to deal with." The brunette begrudgingly muttered under her breath towards no particular person.

The bump on her belly was finally noticeable to anyone so alas, she gave up trying to hide it. There wasn't much point to cover it up either way, but it was instinctual to do so. She subconsciously rubbed her belly as she looked out the window of the car.

"Why do the murders happen more often in the middle of nowhere? Can't we have a killer who buries people in the sandy beaches of Hawaii? I think I like the sound of that more."

Rossi shook his head as he turned on the engine, "I'll ask Garcia when I have the chance."

"It's the thought that counts."

Scout groaned as she hiked up her feet on the dashboard, narrowing her eyes at her feet. No longer could she wear her favorite boots and was recommend by Spencer to wear her old pair of crusty Converse sneakers. The fading black material made her scowl as she used to wear these shoes back in high school.

"Do I look like a kid with these on?"

"Yes. But you're also the same height as a kid so I don't think it's sneakers."

She slouched down, "But they aren't helping, are they?"

"I say the ratty shoes and the engagement ring clash. It's like Christian college kid plans to get married young, just so she can have sex. You know what I mean?"

Rossi pulled the car out of the hotel parking lot, his sunglasses never taking his eyes off of the road.

"You know," Scout hummed. "Sometimes, I really want to hurt you."

A few nights ago, the BAU was called into an unusual case compared to their normal ones. The team was sent to Tehachapi, California to deal with the recent surge of missing cocaine dealers and while the average person would see that as a good sign, the FBI was suspicious enough to investigate.

But the case also made for many restless night for the team. It was now their third day working on the case and it felt like they hadn't come any closer than they were before they started. Thankfully, Hotch let Scout sleep in for an extra hour when she had mentioned how much trouble she had sleeping.

"Thanks for picking me up."

"And what? Force you to walk back to the station through the middle of the desert? I think Reid would castrate me if I did."

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