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SCOUT AWOKE STARTLED and in a panic the next day to the ringing of her cell phone

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SCOUT AWOKE STARTLED and in a panic the next day to the ringing of her cell phone.

She eyed the device on her nightstand before begrudgingly wiping the drool off her face with a groan. Having an old phone never bothered her, but it was moments like these, where she was too tired to read the small lettering of the caller id, that annoyed her.

"Hell-o?" She mumbled, stiflingly the escaping yawn with a cough. Her voice being hoarse and scratchy didn't help either.

"Scout!" A bubbling, cheery woman squealed on the other line. "You picked up! How are you?"

"Yeah, that tends to stop the ringing." Scout shook her head and cleared her throat, "Garcia, hey. Uh - yeah, no. Sorry, what time is it?"

"It's noon." Penelope Garcia chuckled, making Scout sheepishly regret asking.

"Right, uh - what's up?"

"Straight to the point, huh. I like it." She said with an evident smile in her voice.

Scout liked Garcia, there was no denying that. But the fact of the matter was that the blonde woman made her feel uneasy at times. The two were polar opposites; one being sincere and happy-go-lucky, the other sarcastic and a realist. It felt like human nature for the two to clash but they never did. But they actually enjoyed each other's company and small moments of interaction.

What made Scout uncomfortable wasn't that they ideally shouldn't get along or that they realistically did. Instead, it was the feeling that Garcia was more observant than she let others believe. And Scout never felt like she could be two steps ahead of the computer whiz.

"I was thinking," Garcia continued. "Maybe you'd like to come over later today and you know, talk. We could get to know each other better. I know all the field agents spend so much time together and I can get left out at times. And you've been working with the team for a few months now, it almost feels like we hardly have any time to just sit and get to know each other."

"You wanna talk? With me? I'm really not that special or interesting, if you ask me."

"Oh c'mon, Scout! It'll be fun. I can make some cake or cookies, have a fresh pot of tea, maybe I'll even show you my wicked knitting skills."

Scout smiled at the fact that she remembered her hated of coffee. "As tempting as that sounds, I-"

"Please," Garcia's usual flamboyant voice lowered and tremored. "You heard about Henry, right?"

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