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SPENCER SAT AT the foot of Scout's hospital bed, watching the nurse draw another vial of blood

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SPENCER SAT AT the foot of Scout's hospital bed, watching the nurse draw another vial of blood.

It was a different and much nicer nurse than last time, which he was silently grateful for. He didn't want to be kicked out of the room again and leave Scout to herself. And it wasn't like he had any obligation to stay with her - in fact, they weren't even dating.

But Spencer knew he couldn't leave.

The nurse started to sanitize Scout's skin where she had drawn the blood, tying some piece of small gauze around her forearm. She smiled gently, picked up the tools and vials she used, and left the two agents to themselves.

"So," Scout slurred and sent him a lopsided smile. "When was the last time you took a shower?"

Spencer rolled his eyes and leaned back into his chair, "Why? You don't care for my manly, musky scent?"

"Musky, yes. Manly, I don't think so. I would almost describe it as animalistic."

"So a primal scent?" He teased, leaning his head against his propped up elbow and resting his finger to his lip.

"Not quite. It's almost - like a skunk lying dead on the side of the freeway. Yeah, I think that's a much better description, don't you? Or should I have said an armadillo? You know, being from Las Vegas and all."

He narrowed his eyes, "You are a terrible human being, Scout Wiley."

"I try my hardest to be." And sent him a cheeky smile.

Spencer stared at the silly girl that sat before him. She was hard to keep up with most of the time, all be it because of her witty humor that kept him on his toes. And he didn't know exactly when he stopped seeing her as just another coworker.

Perhaps it was the game of cat and mouse that went on between them in the past months. Or maybe it occurred when he accidentally spilled coffee all over her and Scout had no fear in putting him in his place. Now, he was grateful that he bumped into her.

She was a big mystery to him. But he didn't want to uncover all of her secrets at once. No, he would much prefer to find each of them out through every interaction they had. That way, Spencer knew all of their conversations would be filled with anticipation.

"You okay there, Doc Ock?" Scout raised at brow at him curiously, pushing herself towards him and letting her legs fall to the side of the bed.

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