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SPENCER ALMOST CHOKED when he saw Scout.

It was a late night and he didn't have much sleep. He slept through his alarm and struggled to get ready in the morning. The streets where busier than usual and he slipped and dropped his coffee in the parking lot.

It was, in fact, a shitty morning for Spencer.

And it got even worse when he saw Scout talking with Hotch just outside the elevator.

"I- uh, excuse me-" He stuttered and walked away from the pair.

"We should take this in my office. If you'd follow me, Miss Wiley."

Scout followed Hotch into the BAU space and directly in his office. She stopped for a quick second, making eye contact with Spencer, opening her mouth for a second, and then walked in.

What could she have possibly tried to say to him?

"Hey kid, you awake yet?"

"Um- yeah. Just tired, that's all." Reid looked at Morgan, and then walked to his desk.

There were still files that he had yet to finish, and he was too tired to get them done. And now, he was just too distracted. He didn't know where to start.

"You know, I think you're, what do they call it, infatuated?" Morgan laughed.

"What? No. I don't even know her."

"Woah, I didn't even say with who, Reid."

Spencer scoffed, "C'mon Morgan, I know you're talking about Scout. And I mean, really? You actually got her an interview with Hotch? What are trying to do?"

He shrugged.

"Hotch was already looking into her, and she's pretty, funny, and looks hardheaded. I think she'd be good for you." Morgan started walking to the kitchen, Reid following after him.

He was determined to set the facts straight. And Morgan refused to listen, more likely enjoyed patronizing him.

Spencer kept quiet as Morgan poured himself and Reid a cup of coffee. The silence would deafening, almost ear piercing.

"Reid, what are the statistics about dating someone at work?"

"58% of employees have engaged in a romantic relationship with a colleague and 72% of those over 50 years old have been romantically involved with a coworker."

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