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F O U R T Y  T H R E E

SCOUT'S STOMACH GROWLED as she trudged into the kitchen in her pajamas and opened the pantry, peering inside

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SCOUT'S STOMACH GROWLED as she trudged into the kitchen in her pajamas and opened the pantry, peering inside.

"Do we have any cookies?"

"I think I saw some Oreo's in there." Harper, making herself a cup of tea, indicated the top shelf of the pantry.

"Ooh. Oreo's. Double Stuf?"

"I don't know. Whatever you ordered last time."

Scout found the package and peeled it open, only to let out a disheartening sigh, "Only four left. Damn."

"How many do you need?"

The younger woman considered this with a shrug and started to munch on the first cookie, "At least five."

"Well, you're out of luck. There's part of an apple pie in the fridge though."

"Okay. Thanks." Scout headed for the refrigerator, but stopped on the way. If she kept eating at this rate, she'd start showing her belly much sooner than she predicted.

And Spencer, she had had yet tell Spencer.

Shit. She had to tell her boyfriend of less than four months that she was pregnant. Worse – she had to tell the man that she had shot at, and his teammates, on a number of occasions that she was pregnant. And worse still, she had known about it and kept it from him for two months.

And Xander. Oh, God, Xander! What would she tell him? Could she even keep it a secret from him? The bright side was, she hadn't seen or heard from him in the past two months. No phone calls nor texts, not even an unscheduled visit. And Harper hadn't mentioned him or his relation to them since Scout's birthday.

And her own mother! What would Harper say?

"This is a nightmare." She whispered to no one.

"What was that, hun?" Harper inquired as she began to wheel herself out of the kitchen and towards the backyard. She almost exclusively had her first cup either by the window or, if the weather allowed it, outside in the sun.

Scout shook her head, "Nothing. Just - forgot to charge my cell phone."

"Well, go do it now before you forget."

She hummed a response and dragged her feet back to her bedroom, her internal thoughts weighing down her body with each step. Trying to shake the spiraling hole she was falling into, Scout began to pack her go-bag for the next trip the BAU was to take. At least, that's what she told her mother.

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