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F O U R T Y  E I G H T

SPENCER INSERTED HIS key and unlocked the familiar front door to his apartment

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SPENCER INSERTED HIS key and unlocked the familiar front door to his apartment.

It was an unnerving feeling that pounded in his chest, somewhere wasn't particularly fond of. But truth be told, the entire situation he was in wasn't something the doctor had ever prepared for.

The thought had never crossed his mind that he, Spencer Reid, would be a father.

Sure, he dated girls before. But none of them went farther than dating casually or serious enough where a future could be seen.

He swallowed the hard lump forming in his esophagus, trying to steady his raging heartbeat. It felt like his organs were scraping the inside of his body, ready to crawl out from his throat, and splatter there at his feet.

"Spencer?" A frail voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"Y - Yeah, I'm back."

Emerging from his bedroom, Scout peered out with a blank look on her face. To him, she was completely unreadable. Her movements, what little they were, were cautious and unsure.

She analyzed him from afar, ready to hear the words she had been dreading all afternoon:

'I've changed my mind. I want out.'

"You're back earlier than planned. Everything okay? How's Morgan?" Scout voice didn't shake but it wasn't as confident as she normally was.


Spencer's mind when to static before it dawned on him that his best friend was attacked only the night before. But who could blame him? The doctor had far more pressing matters occupying his thoughts.

"Oh! Right - Morgan. Huh, I didn't ask. I'm sure - I'm sure he's fine. No news is good news, right?"

The short brunette slowly nodded but didn't move from her spot, leaning against the wall as shield. She pursed her lips and glanced around the apartment.

Spencer's eyes followed, "You cleaned?"

"Uh huh, needed to get my mind off today somethings."

"You shouldn't have. What - What if you tripped and I wasn't here to help you? Or an earthquake came and toppled over the book shelves? I really don't think they're sturdy enough."

His voice trailed off as Scout's eyebrow rose in confusion.

"I'm a big girl, Spence. It's not like rearranged all your furniture and almost pulled my back."

MOCKINGBIRD | Spencer Reid ✔️Where stories live. Discover now