⠀⠀⠀ twenty one

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SCOUT GLANCED TOWARDS the clock perched on the wall, counting the seconds between the minutes.

He's supposed to be here by now.

"Hey, Scarlett!" A shrilled, high pitches voice yelled from behind her. Scout's slumped shoulders perked themselves back up as she turned around.

"What's wrong, Cassie?" She said with a cool smile, curving her painted red lips.

The girl scoffed, "Where are you going? We're supposed to go out in like, 15 minutes!"

"But," Scout glanced at the clock again. "I'm off at 4, Bruce said-"

"Bruce said 4, but I can't go out by myself! Please Scar, you know how nervous I get when I don't have a partner with me!"

Cassie pouted at her, crossing her arms. Her blonde hair, tied in a high ponytail and her breasts ready to pop out at any second.

"But - my brother is supposed to pick me up now. I can't have him wait for so long." Scout dropped her bag on her chair, ready to tug off her jacket.

"Tell him to come in, silly."

"What? Nope, no way! I'm not letting him see me like this. It's just plain - weird."

Cassie huffed, "I don't see what the problem is. My dad would come here everyday I had a shift. It was like our own little bonding experience. You know, one on one."

"That is messed up on so many levels, Cas."

"Fine, don't help." She turned her back to walk away but looked at Scout once more when she reacted the door. "Just remember this moment when you ask for a favor, Scar."

"Wait, Cassie. Wait. Okay, I'll do it." Scout took off her jacket and pulled out her heels from her gym bag.

"But don't you dare say I've never done anything for you. And you owe me. Big time."

Cassie squealed, "Great! I'll go wait for your brother outside. Let's see how long it'll take me to drag him in here! I bet I can get him in for free."
She winked and walked away.

Scout huffed and took her hair down from its clip. She reapplies her lipstick and ran her eyeliner around her eyes once more, something she was getting pretty good at.

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