⠀⠀⠀ eight

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SCOUT COULD FEEL a pair of eyes burning a hole in the back of her head

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SCOUT COULD FEEL a pair of eyes burning a hole in the back of her head.

The hairs on her neck stood to a point. Something felt wrong and this feeling only reassured it. But it was so familiar, almost too familiar.

"What do you want?" She signed and held the rake in her hands tightly.

Even simple lawn work had to be interrupted. What was the point even trying at this point?


"He's getting bigger. Although, I do wish you had gotten a Rottweiler instead. Saint Bernards are just not as intimidating, really."

"Have you seen Beethoven? That dog can fuck everyone's life."

Xander chuckled, unamused.

"I hope you realize that your dry humor will only get you so far in life. Sooner or later, you are going to actually have to work to succeed."

"I cared for eight seconds, then I got distracted," Scout smirked.

The sound of Sumo's nails against the concrete got to her crouch down to pet the pup. He was big, but still a baby. And training wasn't as easy as she had hoped it would be.

"Tsk- your father should have taught you better manners."

She rolled her eyes, "I'll take note of that for next time someone I know dies. In case you missed it in school, death is untreatable."

"I got you a gift." Xander sighed.

"Oh, goodie."

He handed her a folder, the words -CONFIDENTIAL: DO NOT READ- were written in bold, red ink. She quickly looked at the folder and back at him.

"You know, gifts allow us to demonstrate exactly how little we know a person. What is it?"

"Now, that will just ruin the surprise."

Scout scoffed at him, "No, we wouldn't want that, would we?"

Flipping through the folder, she saw papers with a brief description on different people from the BAU. It included pictures as well as addresses and common places each preferred to spend time after work.

Some were familiar faces, others not so much.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

MOCKINGBIRD | Spencer Reid ✔️Where stories live. Discover now