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SCOUT GLANCED AT her ringing cell phone, mentally cursing herself on whether or not to pick up

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SCOUT GLANCED AT her ringing cell phone, mentally cursing herself on whether or not to pick up.

The screen of her device flashed, revealing the name of her favorite blonde. If she picked up, what could she lie about? Why was JJ even calling her in the first place?

"Hello?" The brunette tried to steady her voice as well as she could as she drove with one hand.

"Scout, hey. How're you feeling?"

"Good, good," She lied through her grinding teeth. "I think I'm feeling a bit better, actually."

"You better be staying in that hotel room."

Scout rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Of course, I am. After Spencer's little freak out yesterday? I wouldn't dream of doing anything else."

In the background of their call, her fiancé's voice spoke in a far away yell.

"Freak out? I call that a perfectly reasonable reaction!"

"Right, okay." Scout chuckled back.

She should've known that JJ would've put her on speaker and the whole car was listening in on their conversation. Inwardly releasing the breath she was holding, she was just grateful they hadn't notice her leaving or the fact that she had taken on of the SUVs.

That would certainly lead to many unnecessary questions. Questions that she knew she couldn't answer.

"So, what are you doing right now?" JJ sighed, making small talk.

"Uh," She panicked.

Looking at her GPS, it would only be a matter for minutes before she arrived at the location that Angelo requested to meet her at. If she truly wanted to handle this on her own, she would need the BAU off of her back and unsuspecting any of her plans.

So, Scout said the first thing that popped into her brain:

"Masturbating. I'd invite you, but people are already talking."

There was a lull in the conversation before an extremely audible sigh from her friend erupted.

"Wiley, if you keep this up, the whole FBI is going to think that we are together."

Scout pouted, "And is that really such a bad thing?"

"Look, I've got to go. Just - don't get into any trouble and stop spreading rumors. The other day, Mikey from the Security Department asked if we wanted to have a threesome and -"

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