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SCOUT AWOKE TO the sound of an annoying beeping ringing in her ears every few seconds

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SCOUT AWOKE TO the sound of an annoying beeping ringing in her ears every few seconds.

A permanent scowl tugged at her lips as she tried to ignore it and continue sleeping but it was growing impossible. Each minute that passed, she grew more frustrated that her eyes snapped open with a groan.

But her body froze when she realized that she was not in her messy bedroom, but instead in a clean white hospital space. Scout glanced around and noticed a sleeping Spencer, snoring softly and his head leaning against his propped up elbow. His hair looked like a rat's nest and his clothes were wrinkled and disheveled.

A small pang of concern hit her when she noticed the evident deep purple rings under his eyes.

Scout attempted to sit up but a sudden jolt of pain shot through her shoulder and went down to her finger tips. She glanced down and noticed that she was heavily bandaged, touching the white cloth with her free hand.

Her eyes widened as they landed on the needle jammed into the top of her hand and taped in place.

"No, no, no, no." Scout whispered and started to try and rip off the tape.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," The door opened to revel Hotch's stern face, but his eyebrows were raised in concern. "I would hate to call someone to clean up your blood. The parking lot is already stained enough as is."

Scout's eyes narrowed, "What happened?"

She glanced towards Spencer, worried that their talking would bother him.

"He won't wake up," Hotch closed door behind him. "JJ snuck some Melatonin in his coffee to get him to sleep."

"You drugged him?" Her eyes widened but he ignored her comment.

"72 hours ago the team was leaving the office when you were shot from a long range distance in your shoulder, the same way the sniper has been attacking the team these past few months. Analytics prove that the sniper set up on top of a roof towards the Northwest side of the building. They used a popular military sniper rifle, chambered for 7.62 mm caliber ammunition and made in-home modifications."

"The recent trend in specialized military sniper rifles is towards larger calibers that offer a relatively favorable hit probabilities at greater range with anti-personnel cartridges. This allows snipers to take fewer risks, and spend less time finding concealment when facing enemies that are not equipped with similar weapons."

MOCKINGBIRD | Spencer Reid ✔️Where stories live. Discover now