⠀⠀⠀ twenty eight

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T W E N T Y  E I G H T

SPENCER SAT ANXIOUSLY, his leg jumping up and down and his fingers trailing over the skin of his neck

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SPENCER SAT ANXIOUSLY, his leg jumping up and down and his fingers trailing over the skin of his neck.

He was thinking, hard. After he and Morgan went to the coroner to further inspect the bodies, Spencer did not dare to speak. He was afraid of letting go any on his thoughts concerning the case.

"So," Morgan sat down next to him with a fresh cup of coffee in hand. "Are you going to tell me about your little sex-capade? Or are you gonna have me begging for more information?"

"You never ask." Spencer muttered.

"True, but I don't think profiling is going to get me very far here. Unless," He paused. "Unless, you want me to profile you?"

He rolled his eyes, "Now why would I want you to do that?"

"Cause you're too nervous to ask for help. I know you, Pretty Boy. Something is up, I can tell." Morgan turned around the empty conference room. "There's no one here, nothing to be shy about."

Reid sighed and leaned back into his chair, "I'm not shy."

"Yes, you are. And that little hickey on your neck is all the proof I need. Most guys would be showing off and talking nonstop if they had a girl over the night before. You, on the other hand, pretend like it isn't there."

"Because it practically isn't. A hickey is just a dark red or purple mark on your skin caused by intense suction. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Well, who did it?"

Spencer eyed the door, "No one you know."

Morgan followed his eyes, the thought crossed his mind and everything clicked. The doctor wasn't a very good liar, he knew that well enough.

He lowered his voice and gave him a stern look, "Please tell me you used protection, Reid."

"Wha-What? Derek, it's not like that!"

"Really? I didn't expect you to be the kind of guy that did it that w-"

"No! No! Not that either." Spencer's arms flailed about to catch his attention. He could feel his face burning from the thought Morgan was insinuating.

"Okay," His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Then what?"

Spencer sighed once more before running his fingers through his messy hair. "It was Scout, okay? Are you happy now?"

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