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SCOUT NEVER FELT smart enough to be where she was in life

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SCOUT NEVER FELT smart enough to be where she was in life.

In fact, she was as average as any girl. That is, until everything important to her depended on her being smart and cunning. And outsmarting people became a job, not longer a talent.

As she sat in the backseat of the police car, Scout felt as if she was in trouble. She glanced back and forth between Morgan and Reid, who sat in the front seat.

They didn't talk.

"Thank you." She mumbled.

Morgan looked at her through the rear view mirror, "For what?"

"I feel like I'm a burden, almost like a kid." She chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck with her right hand. Spencer glanced at her though the mirror.

"Not at all, but you are a kid in my eyes. And there's nothing wrong with that, Reid is a kid himself." Morgan laughed.

This eased the tension. But not by much, and yet, she was still grateful for it.

"So." Morgan inquired, "Why the library?"

"Research. I need a book, I think it might help but I can't be sure until I find it."

Spencer looked curiously at her, "Which one?"

Scout opened up her mouth to say something but was immediately cut off by the ringing of Morgan's cell phone. And all the tension that was once dismissed came flooding back into the car.

"Hey Hotch, you're one with Reid and Wiley." Morgan spoke, using his more authoritarian voice. He switched between his tones often, something that she could relate to.

"I need you to go back to the morgue, it looks like they might've found something but I want Reid to look it over before it's anything official."

Spencer nodded, "We'll head over there right now."

Scout stared out the window of the car, they had arrived at the library. Mentally kicking herself in the leg, something felt off and the only way to figure it out would be in those books inside.

She blew a stray hair from her face and opened the door. She had to find out and curiosity was killing her.

"Wiley?" Morgan questioned.

"Don't worry, guys." She smiled. "You go on ahead without me, I won't be long but I don't want to hold you up."

"How are you going to get back?" Reid asked, faster than he normally did.

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