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SCOUT BIT HER lip and twisted Sumo's leash around her wrist as she waited anxiously

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SCOUT BIT HER lip and twisted Sumo's leash around her wrist as she waited anxiously.

She honestly didn't know what she was going to say to him. In fact, it rather scared her. And she wanted to apologize but she didn't know what would happen after she says 'I'm sorry'.

Would he accept her apology? Or would he turn around and slam the door on her?

"That's not something Spencer would do, right?" Scout peered down at the pup who merely wagged his tail and licked her shoes.

She sighed, resisting the urge to bolt away or slump into a pile of nothingness. It was her mother's fault after all. She was the brute one, they were her words that directed themselves to Spencer. Scout did nothing wrong.

'Well, you didn't defend him either.' She thought out of good conscience.

Right, good conscience. Like Scout had any of that. She was, most importantly, an assassin that had fallen for her target.

She bit her lip again. Fallen. Not in love, of course. But just a small crush and filled with infatuation.

Falling in love was...out of the question? No, impossible more like it.

'What if?...You'll end up in love with him and dragging him into this mess of a life. You can't do that to him. He has a good future; with a job, and a group of friends and family who loves him. And, to be frank, if Xander found out about him, there's no telling what might happen. If something happens - if you get caught, Spencer will get stuck in the middle of it all - that could ruin his life.'

She had a job to do and she could react in two different ways: 1) she could complete it and protect herself and her mother or 2) fight it and hope that no one would ever come to the knowledge of her abilities.

But Scout had to protect her mom. It wasn't like Harper Wiley was a bad person; in fact, she was logical and filled in the role any mother should. She protected her daughter and did her best to own up to her mistakes.

"Why? Why the hell would you say that to him? He's my coworker, not some enemy!"

Harper rolled her eyes, sending a glare to the taxi driver in hopes that he would ignore their conversation. The sound of her wheelchair banging in the trunk would frustrate her through every pothole and speed bump.


"No, don't Scout me! Did you hear yourself back there? Did you hear how rude you were to him? That was completely unnecessary and I'm actually embarrassed. I need you to be nicer-"

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