⠀⠀⠀ thirty seven

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SCOUT SIGHED AS she glanced down at her shirt, or rather, Spencer's shirt

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SCOUT SIGHED AS she glanced down at her shirt, or rather, Spencer's shirt.

As the team left in such a rush and there being no need to take a go-bag, she didn't have time to change out of the very obvious gym shirt. And so there she was, standing in the hallways of her old high school, wearing her secret - er - teammate's clothes after a crazy night, and trying her hardest not to stick out.

"Here." JJ handed her a bulletproof vest with the large lettering, FBI, written across the front.

She gratefully took it, "Thanks."

The school was supposed to be quiet, being as class didn't start for another half hour, but police officers and federal officials roamed the hallways. They were all dressed in helmets and donned large firearms at their waists. Scout sighed, touching her side where a gun should be, but just felt her own hip.

She struggled to put on the vest over her blazer, scared to take it off and revel the shirt. JJ, who stood next to her and stared, rising one of her eyebrows in confusion.

"Uh, Wiley? What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Scout shrugged, "Putting on my vest?"

"You look like Henry trying to put on his Sunday school dress shirt." She clicked her tongue and shook her head, "And keep in mind, he's in kindergarten."

"Wow, call the FBI and tell them we've got another kid genius. I think ours is expiring." Scout nudged in Spencer's direction.

JJ rolled her eyes and grabbed the vest out of her hands, "You take the jacket off and then you can put the vest on. It's not that hard."

"You're telling me, and to think this place actually let me graduate? Wow, the American tax dollars really are going down the drain at this point."

The blonde opened her mouth to retort but was interrupted by the superintendent of the school as he gathered around the agents with a clipboard. According to the file, his name was Joe Garfield and had recently come in authority over the school. He was a stout man with a receding hairline and dressed in a worn out suit, looking very much out of place compared to the team.

"I'd like to formally thank each and every one of you for coming and looking after these students. While no eminent threat has been declared, we're grateful that the FBI is willing to be on site if a situation were to arise. Since there are so many of you, each classroom will have an agent that will supervise the classrooms as well as several of you stationed at each entrance of the school."

Hotch adjusted his earpiece and took a step forward, "That being said, every agent will need to wear bulletproof protection but personal firearms will be hidden. This is merely a precaution to calm the students and prevent hysteria."

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