⠀⠀⠀ twenty seven

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T W E N T Y  S E V E N

SCOUT WILEY WOKE up to one of the biggest headaches she had since freshman year of college

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SCOUT WILEY WOKE up to one of the biggest headaches she had since freshman year of college.

She groaned as she sat up from her bed, noticing that she was still dressed in the same clothes she wore yesterday. Her breath tasted terrible and she reeked of hard vodka. Even the pungent sweat from her shirt had the smell of the liquor.

Careful to not walk too quickly, she took a quick shower and brushed her teeth. Her phone, which had shown the time to be just past 10 in the morning, buzzed from a new message.

Scout rolled her eyes in annoyance and opened it.


"Are you kidding me?" She complained as she spat out the rest of the spit and jogged to get dressed. Careful to not get dizzy, she pack a go bag left the house in record speed.

Her mind was in a weird state of limbo as she drove. It was that odd period of time where Christmas had just past but New Years was around the corner. Children was on winter vacation so the streets weren't busy and most people preferred not drive because of the icy roads.

When she arrived at the parking lot, Scout noticed at Spencer hadn't parked in his usual spot. Instead, his car was located on the other side of the building. And with a flash, she remembered why she had woken up so hungover that morning.

She remembered her drunken night where she arrived at Spencer's apartment without notice. She remembered joking around and teasing him to drink with her. She remembered the sudden sexual tension she felt between the two. And she remembered their bodies pressed against each other, moving in messy and animalistic ways.

"Are you kidding me?" She repeated with a grown and slammed her forehead against the steering wheel, making the horn honk loudly.

"I can't believe it - I - I'm an idiot." Scout exclaimed, grabbing her bag behind her and slamming the door shut, harder than necessary. "What the hell is wrong with me?"

And I went over there to what? To tell him everything. I was gonna tell him about Xander and the sniper attack. I was gonna tell him that I - I was the sniper. What was I thinking?

Scout fidgeted as she stood alone in the elevator. Her emotions felt as though they were on a rollercoaster, overwhelming and incomprehensible. She blamed herself for drinking. She was ashamed that she was going to eat out the only thing protecting her mother. She was embarrassed that she acted so childishly and without thinking.

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