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F O U R T Y  O N E

F O U R T Y  O N E

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SCOUT AND SPENCER sat across from each other with only the sounds of the BAU jet filling their ears.

It was a comfortable silence between the two: Spencer sitting with a book in hand and Scout, with her legs draped across his lap, was occupying herself with an old GameBoy. Neither of them said anything to each other and that was okay.

For the past two months, everything was okay.

Towards her left side, she heard the ringing of Hotch's phone before he mumbled a few things into the device and felt the sudden presence of their leader getting up from his seat. Whatever small talk conversation was going on between JJ and Rossi was stopped and Morgan pulled off his headphones.

"I just got a call from Sheriff Yaw and it seems like Ellie is going to make a full recovery. Thankfully, her and her baby are going to okay."

Scout sighed a breath of relief that she felt like she had been holding in ever since take off. It was like a weight was lifted off her shoulders but it didn't get rid of the guilt she carried. Their most recent case that the BAU closed was difficult one, especially for her.

A woman by the name of Alexa Rumen was having trouble to conceive and after several years of trying, she finally snapped. She would kidnap newborn babies from the hospital and try to pass them off as her own. Now, if that had been all then the BAU could've dealt with the case in a simple fashion but with her team, easy was never really a favor they faced.

Rumen's husband, who was just as psychotic as his spouse, didn't want to have children so he would kill the babies in cold blood. Scout felt a stiff lump form inside her throat as she thought back to the pictures of the disposal site where babies were left on the side of the road like trash.

7 newborns.

It took 7 innocent newborns before the BAU was able to apprehend the Rumen couple and throw them behind bars.

A sudden knot in a stomach formed as she saw the faces of crying parents, mourning the death of their babies who were taken away far too early in their lives. Some didn't even have a full day to express or show these new human beings love.

Scout felt guilty and it was a perverted situation she was placed in.

She had to comfort broken mothers and tell them that everything was going to be okay when in actuality, they both knew she was lying.

She felt like a hypocrite.

"You okay?" Spencer looked up from his book when he noticed the brown haired girl was no longer playing her video game.

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