Chapter one

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I do not own Gravity Falls or Heathers, I will publish two chapters once a week, right now I'm sticking with one. I was aided with the help of my amazing co-author,
Whoa-that's-edgey-pal. Thank you, ciao, Purple.

September, 1, 2012
Dear Diary, I'm a good person.
You know I believe there is good in everyone.
But here we are first day of senior year!
And, uh, I look around at these kids
I've in known all my life and I ask myself, what happened?

Something they don't tell you about High school, it's a living nightmare. Trust me, I've walked around the halls of this school for four years. I had to move in when my parents were killed in a car crash when I was thirteen. I've lived with my Gruncles since. Stan teaches me business, he also helps me with pick up lines, he dated a couple guys back when he was still kicking apparently. Ford, my other great uncle helps me with my less academic studies, spells, Latin, paranormal. I love them to bits but it's hard to live here sometimes. I feel constricted in the house, like there's something out there to do, where I should go, I just get a strange feeling of wanderlust.

And I just can't shake the feeling.

My sister Mabel is a legend around here, known as one of the sheep of Pacifica, a mythic bitch. I've learned to shrug off the fact that every night my sister has a risk of getting pregnant or raped, it's still a thought I have to nurse though, I have to prepare. School work isn't a trouble I've got a talent for it, even forgery comes as a gift, I can mimic any hand out there. Yet here I am, still imperfect, still a shadow, still a waiter.

I sit in the cafeteria, I doodle in my notebook, my hands sweaty and hot. Grenda plopped down besides me, her hair in pigtails and, pink glasses pushed up on her nose. She stared dreamily at Baron, the new foreign exchange kid,
"you'll tire out your eyes Grenda, eat lunch with me", Grenda shook her head,
"Pacifica said, that I shouldn't lunch or breakfast, and I need to puke up my dinner". I rolled my eyes, "that 's called not eating", Grenda shrugged, "why should I care", her voice was lighter now, but that extra her was there, bone and muscle, pure hulk of Grenda, it was the very thing Grenda loathed most about herself, Grenda absently picked at her stomach, clutching her head from her exhaustion and fatigue, I shoved my tray towards her, "eat or you'll get sick and die".

Grenda pouted before beginning to nibble at her lunch
"I'm going to the bathroom Grenda , okay", Grenda nodded tears evident in her eyes.
"you should probably get to one too", Grenda nodded again, silence was deafening, "okay then". Grenda sighed,
"I just want a fairy tail miracle". I smiled, laughing, "so do I Grenda", I pulled at the end of my sleeves I hated going anywhere alone but that's pretty much my life so I deal with it.

In front of the bathroom door stood three girls, I groaned, anything but them.
" Oh Dipper", Pacifica giggled dreamily, oh god, she can't take a hint when I tell her I'm gay apparently. Candy fixed her glasses and looked me in the eyes, I shifted looking away ,I felt uncomfortable.
"We were wondering if you would join us for Robbie's party tonight after school", I shook my head,
" he hates me you guys", Mabel glared,
"you're coming", I gulped and nodded, Mabel can get scary when she's mad. Pacifica smiled her red clothes swishing with her hips, "that's so amazing Dipper, I kind would like to get to know you better from this". I nodded, swallowing my sick, "me too". All three girls smirked, "see yah tonight Dip-shit".

I frowned, just get through the day Dipper.

Bills Pov
Pinetree, Pinetree, Pinetree, I will have you soon, you'll beg for my attention soon. Ford has slipped up and I'm taking what he holds dear. I looked into Pinetree's innocent eyes, oh demon how I was going to wreck that innocence. I just needed to wait for you to slip up Dipper Pines. Than you'll never see your family again.

Thank you everyone, that was hard, it's like 12:27 right now, just sped through, I did this in half and hour can you believe that!

I have big plans for this story, me and my partner will work hard to finish this story and make it as entertaining as possible.

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