Chapter three

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Everything, so far has gone perfect. Dipped couldn't stop blushing, I set the bait by putting my address and phone, Mabel's an asshole, (no your not Mabel, your perfect) Dipper is going to eventually come running, I'll seduce him, get him in bed and then vow my love to the little cutie. He sure is gullible, I take him back to dimension and bend him to be my servant forever.

I watched Dipped as he ran through the halls, his nose now dry and the letter he had written was waving frantically over his head.
Please don't do anything Mabel. Poor kid, he was racked by anxiety twenty four seven. I walked over to see Mabel rubbing her leg against Robbie's leg, Candy was flicking Gideon who had his hands up her skirt, what a bunch of bitches. Pacifica's eyes lit up when Dipped walked over, I growled, that slut, she dare look at my pet that way.

Robbie rolled his eyes but continued to brag to Mabel about his guitar.
"Guys, I, have, the, note", my poor pet was out of breath. Mabel snatched it up and slipped it in Robbie's hand,
"be a dear Robbie and take this to Grenda". Robbie nodded looking, before giving Mabel one last wink, she rolled her eyes, stretching by her neck to look in the crowd before eyes landing on me, damn, I sighed, I can not deal with this day. Ford will pay for this, Robbie returned and Mabel showed him little attention.

The three girls smirked and walked behind Dipped toward the entrance, Robbie glared at Dipper, but inside his thoughts were, hot damn, is no one attracted to someone other than Dipper. I growled and walked over. I grabbed Gideon's hair and Robbie's head. They screamed as I smashed them together.

Gideon was the first up, he was also the first to have the shit beaten out of them. Robbie came up next next, his feet slipping while I smashed his guitar over his head. Robbie looked at me with fear and anger,
" That was my guitar you little piece of shit ", he swung at me as I ducked. Gideon pounded his fleshy fist on me, I swiftly kicked his ass as he snorted like the little pig he was.

Gideon was running squealing in fear, Robbie had already fled after his mouth started spewing blood. Dipped was practically tripping over himself to get to me. I smirked and Mabel filled her head with fantasies of me taking her at the party. I frowned the only thing I'll be doing tonight is taking Dipped as mine.

Dipped ran toward me and hugged me, I froze, this icky feeling rolled over inside me and I had the strange urge to grab him and hold him tight. Pacifica growled and pulled Dipped over, "come on lets get ready", Dipper smiled at me and shyly waved, the icky feeling growled again and I felt like I was falling, all I wanted do was run over, snatch him away and hold his hand, all I wanted to do was touch him, tell him he was adorable and that I would never leave his side, I wanted to be with him.

I hated it. Dipper pulled away from Pacifica trying to grab something from his bag.
"Hey, Mister no name kid, what's your name", I smirked, already he was head of heals for me.
"Bill, Bill Rephic", I laughed as he grabbed a crown from his bag. "This was for my friend, but I think she'd be fine if I give it to you". I smiled and took it, it was so beautiful. I placed it on my head and kissed Dipper's cheek. "Thank you", the blush deepened.

Man, I love this kid. I smacked myself, no you don't, you enjoy how gullible he is. I sighed, perfectly gullible.  

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