Chapter Ten

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I'm adding triggers because the language Robbie uses in this is just....bad, never repeat these words. Never repeat these actions. Rape is bad, drugs are bad, everything in this god damn write is bad and I really need to check myself in for screening. Also, this chapter is going to be written weirdly for the 


I had woke up in a pile of my own vomit. Let me say, it was, not awesome. Part of me still doesn't understand why Dipper had run away from me. I mean, I'm the most popular and hottest guy in Gravity Falls and I'm not getting the fucking respect I deserve. The other part of me was so angry, the little whore ran from me, his bitch sister refused to help me out. 

I could have given him anything, a could have pleasured the little slut into oblivion. Gideon demanded we go to Dipper's house, I was sure he wouldn't say no this time. Turns out the little shit wasn't there, he was sleeping with his boyfriend like a freak, his fucking Grand-parents (probably gay or something, Mabel's family is a bunch of freaks) tried to shoot us. Luckly Candy knew excactly how to get Dipper back. 

"So what did the littl magot do to you",

"Mabel told me he practically swallowed you", 

"The little slut was asking for it probably". We all sat in the yard, girls practically drooling on me while the boys screamed with laughter from the story. Oh Dipper pines was going to pay for saying no to me. Mabel sat next to me, her legs drapped on my lap, her pretty eyes making me hard on.

"Okay, so get this, Dipper begged at me, he was on his feet just slutty turned on", Gideon snorted before cutting in, his lilac blue eys batting, half lidded. 

"He pulled my clothes off, his moth drooling for it, I was just trying to be nice". 

Everyone screamed with laughter, they were buying our crap. Dipper's going to loose his boy toy for good, and he won't say to us then. Candy jumped up, her dark brown eyes wide, 

"There was a sword fight in his mouth". Gideon jumped up and played along, 

"blew two". Everyone screamed louder, it was just to much, that brat, oh we were going to ruin him, his slutty body was going to be mine. I'll have the whore.  

Dipper wasn't at lunch, we weren't allowed to talk to him during class, his bitchy boyfreind seemed to have helped him grow a pair because the teachers said he would have seprete classes. Mabel told me we could talk to him after school, she'd corner him for me. I've never been more glad to have the bitch to take charge for something. All I had to do was wait, Mabel and Candy led me to their brother. 

"Dipper babe, what happened last night"! Everyone looked up, good, just what I need. Dipper blushed, his eyes going to the floor. I looked over at Gideon, he looked at Mabel who looked at Candy. We were ready.



I was hot, itchy, prickly. every patch of skin I had was crawling with anxiety, biting away with fear. I wanted to run straight out the door, never turn around ever again. The school board hadn't done anything, they said it wasn't on school ground at all, then they asked me what I was wearing at the time of the harassment. Up, down, up, down, I bounced, the balls of my feet rolling with my stomach. 

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