Chapter Eighteen

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Credit to the artist, and thank you for reading. 

"All is forgiven Baby, come on get dressed, you're my date to the pep rally tonight. Dipper jumped up, running into the closet, praying that the unicorn hair was still working in that part of the house. The closet door was slammed shut the house rattling with the force. 

"Come on Pinetree, don't be like that, I'm giving a secong chance, come on, I won't provide it again". The demons breath was ragged, like paper being torn apart with kiddie scissors. 

"G-go away Bill please, stop it, leave me alone", tears were coming from both, each a victim in their own eyes.

"Please Dipper, listen to me, you don't understand, everything I do, is for you, every life I take is to make the world a better place for you to be mine in". Dipper went quiet, pushing himself into the corner of the room, his mind racing with fear and betrayal, love pounding in his heart. "Don't be petty Angel, you know I'm right, you agree with me, deep down, inside, I see it". Bill punched the door, his knuckles scraping white, "Open up for me pretty, come on". There was no response and an impatient growl was growing the back of Bill's throat, 

"Open up now, don't ignore me Pinetree"!



Bang. He hit harder, throwing his body against the wood, magic turning week when he tried to do something other than physical. 

"Get out, please, j-just leave me alone", Bill smiled, clucking his tongue, the sound of sniffles heard from his angel with the only thing in the room.

"But Moon cloud, you haven't even heard the whole plan", Dipper screamed pushing himself further and further from the door. "Open up, come on, you can't just rip open my heart and leave me out like this". 

The stench of blood was curling under the door crack and into the closet. 

"Please come out, I swear, you're never going to be hurt by me ever again".

"Never, you're just going to force me to hurt people, go the fuck away, you're lying, I'm not going to get hurt again, I don't want to be a puppet that you can hurt and hold, fuck and "love". I'm not here to dance for you". 


"Astra, Every breath they take is a fucking sin, I'm going to blow up that pathetic school for you baby. People are going to look at the and know, they're going to see my way. It's not because society was to much for them, it was because that school was society, listen, I've even got the written suicide note. The bitch Candy, Wendy, and any other person who tried to take you from me are going to burn". Another bang was heard and blood began to smear on the demons fist his eye twitching as a smile grew wider and wider on his face.   

"Come on My Milky way , listen, I'm weak, I can't do this alone, I've resorted to your human bombs, and forged suicide notes, please kid, listen,   

We the students of Gravity high will die. 

Our burnt bodies may finally get through to you. 

Your society churns out slates and blanks, no thanks, signed the students of Gravity High.

Good bye.  

Dipper shivered, sneezing into his sweater before looking around for an escape, his fingers brushing for the object he had kept locked in there as plan B, if he ever needed to escape from life. 

"Come on Baby, let's not fight anymore, I can't stand it my Warrior, My Fighter". Dipper chuckled loading the gun, his fingers slipping on the cold metal, sweat collecting around his fingers. 

"I guess I always was a fighter in some way, I'll say that before I go".

"Go," Bill laughed nervously, his hands fumbling on the door knob, "Where are you going My most Beautiful, My Milky Moon". He tried pushing harder onto the door, bouncing his weight up and down. 

"Away from you", the gun blew off, the sound of screaming ringing through the shack. Horror forming in the demon's mind. 

"Pinetree"? Cold silence greeted the demon as he sunk down to the bottom of the door, his fingers curling in the crack. Bloodied fists trying to pull it open, "Pinetree". The of  sound death's big silence was deafening and foot steps was the only thing that seemed to break it. 

"No, no, no, Pinetree, you can't do that to me, no". He tried to shift through the door, pain raking through his body as the spell held him back, unicorn hair running along the halls. "You can't leave me yet, I haven't gotten to live with you yet, we were going to get ice cream, remember, we were going to be seventeen". He sobbed, blue drenching his body as he punched on the door, the wood barely budging as both his fist seemed to be torn to bit, the skin ripping apart. 

"Dude, you okay up there, I heard a lot of popping and banging, you up here dawg". The demon panicked, his hands pacing back and forth across the closet wall,

"I'm coming back for you Nebula, I'm coming, we-we, I'm going to do everything, literally everything in my power to get you back, but for now,". Red spiked in the room, like a knife slash covering the room in  static feel. "I'm going slaughter those who had made you feel this way, the world is going to burn while I watch, and pretty soon you'll be along side me to see it too". The lights flickered as reality went blurry, the demon shifting into existence else ware. 

"Come on Dawg, answer me, I don't like surprise you guys no that". He walked into the room, goosebumps forming own the Hispanics arms. The feeling of sleep washing through his limbs, his movements became short and jerky. "Come on little dude", he opened the closet door, a questioning look coming onto his face. 

"Hey Dipper, what are you doing on the floor, oh and cool necklace, it's so shiny, can I touch it". 

Dipper shrieked as the man reached out for it, 

"God no Soos, never touch this, We-we're just going to leave it and shut the door". He got up, slamming the entrance shut. 

"Okay cool, but what is it". Dipper sighed, sitting down to catch his breath, a feeling of freedom washing over him, the amulet was off, and the eyes were gone. 

"It' a curse, I'll tell you that man",

"Okay cool, but what is it"?      

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