Chapter eight.

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Pinetree is mine, always has, always will. His mind is my property in which I can wreck and his body is a temple in which I can desecrate.

I felt Dipper's panic that day, it was a twist in the gut that knocked the breath out of you. I honestly would hate to be him, I can barely deal with the empathy link, paranoia, despair, even nausea. Just feeling all of his feelings makes me want to scoop him up and curl up with him by a fire, kissing every part of his body. My stomach dropped and flipped with agreement, a slow growl left my mouth. This really needs to stop, the sooner I take Pinetree the sooner I can get rid of this-this feeling. I sighed and took out a bronze dagger and shoving it in my gut, pearls of blood came away with my hand.

My body let out a deep shiver and string into bits of laughter, my knees gave way and I was rolling in the floor holding blood in my hand, smearing it on the floor. A knock on the door brought me back, making a growl escape my throat. Who the he'll would interrupt me.
"Bill are you okay, it's me Dipper, Bill"? A sigh escaped my lips and I cleaned the mess up with a snap.
" I'm here Pines, you ready for a surprise"? Another snap was heard and Dipper's interest was peaked, "okay"?

The room dimmed low and music came on, little fairy light strung them selves up on the walls and the bed was now filled with more blankets than one person needed. The door swung open a bit and a fireplace appeared across from the bathroom, the bed rotating to meet it.

 "Bill, you've been ignoring my texts all day, you just told me to meet you here after school, I didn't see you in class so I was freaking out there better be an ex-". Pinetree stepped in and gapped, his molten chocolate eyes glittering under the fairy lights.

"I'm sorry Pines, I know what I did was bad but I just had to set this up for you, look, we even have a fire". Pinetree looked over at where I pointed and confusion lit up in his face, "how, where, wha-"!

I pulled him into a hug and the flutter feeling purred, 'come on, for Demons sake, I just stabbed you, that should shut you up for a few hours. Dipper looked at me with the smallest, shiniest smile ever, his hand messing around with his sweater sleeves. He seemed to be drilling himself into the floor with a type of awkwardness that made everyone coo.

"bed, now, come on", Dipper looked around alarmed but walked with me to his bed kicking off his shoes.  His figure slumped onto the mattress clearly stressed out and tired AF,

 "I don't know what your doing Bill, but if this is a ploy for what I think you want then I am not amused". I rolled my eyes stifling a giggle, "sorry Pines but no, you're stressed out, so I thought I'd help". I propped Pinetree up and began to massage at his neck, Pinetree fell into my hands and purred,
" Ooh, does Pines like that, does he just fall apart for that, what if I were to-"? I pushed into Dippers neck and Dipper threw his head back and moaned.

I continued to press on it, sometimes pressing kissed on it.
"B-bill, s-stop, you promi°sed". Dippers voice cracked as I nipped into the base of his neck,
" deal with it". Dipper craned his neck back into my grip and moaned louder. "You know Pines, what if I were to stop". I pulled away suddenly and let Dipper fall back into my lap.

There was a buzz of mischief around my pet now and Dipper was already planning something, you could tell, 

 "Pines"? Dipper jumped up and walked out the front door with out a second glance, "Pines"! Blankets snagged at my feet as I jumped up to reach him, "Dipper, Dipper, Dipper, I'm so sorry, please, Dippy, come on". Dipper smirked but continued to walk but Bill had followed him, "Come on Pines, you liked it and it's not like we haven't done anything like that". Pinetree still ignored me, I was starting to get angry and my little flames were lacing in between my fingers as I spoke, " Dipper Pines,". Pinetree paused for a second and looked back, there was sadness in his eyes for a moment before fear flashed over them and he ran into my arms,

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