Chapter five

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My vision was foggy and my head was spinning, music was blasting in my ear and I felt like throwing up, I've been sexually assaulted three times and my whole body felt like it was tearing itself apart from the outside.

I have never had so much fun!

"Dipper have some", Mabel grabbed my shoulder and stumbled and slurred a bit. I laughed and took the powder she was holding, (okay so I don't take drugs so I don't know how to write this, I'm just going to describe it as the feeling I get when I forget to eat or sleep properly for several days) the dust went up my nose and my head buzzed with annoyance. I stumbled and grabbed a bottle of liquor from a kid who winked at me, whoa , he was hot, hopefully he's gay. I felt a tug in my brain but I just assumed it was the drugs. Pacifica walked up to me, clearing her throat, I turned around curious as to what she wanted to show me. She stuck out her legs which spotted lingerie and tore off her sweater, I screamed and looked away, she was bare chested. I backed away to see guys crowd around her, Mabel pushed me forward, "come on Dipper, just go get laid", I shook my head but Mabel pushed me closer.

Pacifica grabbed my head and pulled me to her chest. I squealed and pulled back, throwing up on Pacifica's feet. Her eyes went down to her feet, silently praying I didn't just do that, when they reached my splash zone she turned best red and screamed.

I don't condone these next few words, never repeat to anyone

" you faggot, those were my mother's best pair, just go the hell away, now I need to clean myself, just go slut with someone else, or better yet kill yourself you useless fag". Mabel rushed over and pulled Pacifica to the bathroom, Candy shoved my aside her green strap top swishing just below her rear, to make things worse it was see-through, she bumped into me and handed me paper that read, 'for a good time when your not so gay'. I sighed and tossed it away. The night was cold and dark and I felt like my body was numb, oh god Pacifica's going to kill me tomorrow. I gasped for air thinking of what to do, Mabel's probably telling Pacifica right now a revenge plot, I'm a zombie right now, a dead boy walking. My husk needs something to do until day light. And idea formed and I took out a paper, I think I have an idea.

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